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Make Money With Twitter | Top 5 Services to Monetize Your Twitter Account. You know some great ways to monetize your blog. But can you monetize your Twitter efforts? Of course you can! What You Will Need to Make Money Online via Twitter So what do you need to make money on Twitter? Each network will have their own specifications to the minimum number of followers you need to have, but needless to say, the more followers you have, the more you will be able to ask for per tweet as the publisher. Also, the more well known you are in a niche, the more likely you are to be selected by advertisers who are targeting your type of following audience. Third Party Twitter Advertising Platforms There are several services that can tap into your Twitter account to send tweets on advertiser’s behalf through to your Twitter network, helping you earn money online. Sponsored Tweets What Advertisers See About Publishers These publishers will then customize a tweet and send it back to the advertiser for approval. Learn more about how works in their FAQ section. Magpie TwittAd. Twitter Plans to Offer Shopping Advice and Easy Purchasing. [MORT] tweetSPONSO - tweetSponso est mort! vive tweetSponso. Adly - Celebrity Endorsements in Social Media. [MORT ?]Twittad - Let Your Ad Meet Tweets. BuzzParadise - 1er réseau international de social media advertising. Be-a-magpie - Sponsored Tweets.

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