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Game Design

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Game Menus, UI, Screens, and Windows. Whatever you want to call it, a complete Flash game is going to need an user interface that kicks off the game.

Game Menus, UI, Screens, and Windows

A place where the user can get more information about the game, see the credits, save the game, load the game, whatever needs to be done. The Menu the starts the game provides this functionality. So how are we going to do it? Flash Game Development with Flex and Actionscript - Gettings Started. 35+ Flash Game Development Tutorials & FLA Files. I always wanted to learn game development in Flash but never got enough time to learn actionscript deeply.

35+ Flash Game Development Tutorials & FLA Files

But when i was trying i gone through lots of amazing game development tutorials which i want to share with my blog readers and with those who are learning game development and actionscript. As HTML 5 is also getting popular in game development, you can check the HTML5 vs. Flash Games Infographic. Red Blob Games — helping people make games.