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Kevin Andrus

Dailyduds. Yes i am being that asshole that posts a picture that is more a blob than anything else. but i’m allowed my fangirl moment. watching NIN live was quite possibly one of the more amazing moments. ever. the show was fucking amazing. the angsty, blue haired 17 year old me did a bazillion summersaults. and to all the dicks who were well dicks about me moving to NY and going to art school and seeing trent in person (yes he was the size of a large grapefruit from where we were standing, it still counts) - can suck it.


LEGO & Gender Part 2: The Boys Club. In part 1 of my two part LEGO and Gender series, I explored how LEGO went terribly wrong with LEGO Friends and provided a brief history of LEGO’s ridiculous and slightly hilarious attempts to market to girls since the late 70′s.

LEGO & Gender Part 2: The Boys Club

In part 2, I delve into how LEGO shifted their products from their initial relatively, gender neutral building experience to a more male dominated and male identified one. The LEGO group intentionally did this in three ways: 1. Marketing exclusively to boys, 2. Producing male identified and centered themes and sets and 3. Focusing on stereotypical boys play scenarios with an emphasis on combat.

Explore Featured Documents. Animals in Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip is 25 miles long and four to seven miles wide.

Animals in Gaza Strip

It is about equal in size to the Bronx, New York and contains almost as many animals as the famous Bronx Zoo. The Gaza Strip is a unique area. It is a desert that borders an ocean, supplying it with a fascinating eco-system, capable of sustaining many different types of animals. Surprisingly, for a desert region, the Gaza Strip has a temperate climate, which means it rarely gets extremely hot or extremely cold. The summers are usually hot and dry and the Gaza Strip often experiences drought during the summers. Animals that are native to the Gaza Strip include deer, antelope, wild sheep, and wild boar.

Near the beach area of the Gaza Strip, there are likely to be various sea creatures that wash up from the Mediterranean Sea, including various fish, porpoises, jelly fish, shrimp, and clams. Pit vipers are found throughout the Gaza Strip and one must check carefully under rocks before sitting on them. Now the Twist / Kobold Quarterly. February 16, 2011 / Colin McComb / 3 comments Colin McComb’s Now, the Twist takes a long, hard look at game design.

Now the Twist / Kobold Quarterly

[previously] Weeks ago, we talked about the price of freedom and what it means to have an external code imposed on us. Today, we’ll turn that around and discuss what it means to have an internal code that we use as a guidepost when creating games. I don’t mean the publisher’s or developer’s code—I’m talking about the internal regulator that tells us when we’ve gone too far… or that we need to go further. Videos: How to Paint Below Crown Molding Without Masking Tape. Shankar Vedantam − Blog. The seemingly endless stream of sex scandals by powerful politicians in the United States raises a question: Does this say something about men, or does it say something about power?

Shankar Vedantam − Blog

New research suggests that power, not being a guy, is the corrupting factor. Powerful people tend to see themselves as more attractive than they really are [...] Spirited News From The Hearthland. By Michel David Ratkowski An old Polish proverb states that; If you chop your own firewood, it will warm you twice.

Spirited News From The Hearthland

While I havent chopped wood recently, I can see where that might be true. However there is a third way in which wood plays a role in providing mankind with warming comfort. Wooden barrels (primarily oak) have always played an essential part in the creation of fine wine, ale and whiskey. The use of wooden barrels for storage dates back to ancient times. However in todays technologically advanced world, the wooden barrels most important contribution to great wine, ale and whiskey is not in the storage or the transporting of them, but rather in the enhancement of them. Oak wood contains a large number of chemical compounds and almost every one of them can add a little something to the flavor profile and personality of wine, ale or spirit when kept in contact with it. Coursera. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine. NYC's Premier Juggling Information Resource. The Art of Charm Podcast: Body Language - The Art of Charm. Boids. In 1986 I made a computer model of coordinated animal motion such as bird flocks and fish schools.


It was based on three dimensional computational geometry of the sort normally used in computer animation or computer aided design. I called the generic simulated flocking creatures boids. The basic flocking model consists of three simple steering behaviors which describe how an individual boid maneuvers based on the positions and velocities its nearby flockmates: Each boid has direct access to the whole scene's geometric description, but flocking requires that it reacts only to flockmates within a certain small neighborhood around itself.

WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X.

Game Design

Lectures. ActionScript 3. Pathfinding.