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Business as Mission. I am the vine; you are the branches.

Business as Mission

If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. – John 15: 5-8 It doesn’t get much straightforward than John 15 does it?

Abiding = fruitfulness / Not abiding = withering It’s hard to admit it sometimes, but we are the branches. Prayer is both a place of abiding, and also a promised fruit of that relationship. Business as Mission. We interviewed Jennifer Roemhildt Tunehag, who is part of the core team for the new Freedom Business Alliance initiative and asked her how the FBA came about and what it is doing.

Business as Mission

We are hearing the term Freedom Business being used more and more, what is a ‘Freedom Business’? It’s a business that exists to fight human trafficking. There are several types of business that fit into this category: businesses that create jobs for survivors of exploitation would be the most familiar, but we would also include businesses that hire vulnerable people in order to prevent exploitation, as well as the aggregators who take products from these first two to new markets. A fourth category would be businesses that provide services specifically to and for other freedom businesses (ie., communications, logistics support, etc). Finally, there are businesses who have devoted the profit from their companies to fight trafficking.

Business as Mission. By Larry Sharp The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Stories from the Frontline Last year I was leading a seminar in a conference in Arizona, when a local business owner asked the question, “Are there no failed BAM businesses?”

Business as Mission

While I readily agreed, I was stimulated to think about the question in a more profound way. What is the “good, the bad and the ugly” of real life BAM business experiences – those that demonstrate that there are BAM failures along with the successes? Over the past 10 years, I have observed risk factors for BAM enterprises which should stimulate every stakeholder in the BAM community towards better recruitment, better preparation, better deployment and better accountability. Business as Mission. It was after a survey trip to a small city in India 20 years ago that Ajay and colleague Jason saw a desperate need for someone to live out the gospel there.

Business as Mission

They both committed to relocate with their families and went about assessing the needs and opportunities there. One great need in the community was to provide jobs for the skilled IT workforce so they wouldn’t need to move away for work in the bigger cities, which was separating families. Business as Mission. By Steve Rundle Not long ago the Wall Street Journal noted a significant change in the attitudes of university business students1.

Business as Mission

Compared to other incoming classes in recent memory, today’s young people are more interested in using their business skills to make a positive difference in society. Undoubtedly, many have been inspired by social enterprises like Tom’s Shoes, Kiva, and Chipotle’s Mexican Grill, as well as turned off by stories of corporate excess on Wall Street. Business as Mission. Adapted and excerpted from the BAM Global Think Tank report on BAM at the Base of the Pyramid.

Business as Mission

The story of THRIVE Farmers Coffee begins with a family farm at the brink of failure. Alejandro Garcia’s Costa Rican coffee farm was at substantial risk of failure, so he became determined to do something about it. He left the five-generation family farm to go work in the United States where he saved $40,000 over two years working in a family-style buffet restaurant in the Amish country. Alejandro (Alé) came back home, invested his hard-earned money in coffee processing equipment, and by so doing, changed the trajectory of the coffee farming business. The key was a chance meeting with Ken Lander, an American who had retired to Costa Rica and bought a coffee farm. Over the next two years, Alé and Ken forged ahead with Alé’s equipment and coffee knowledge, plus Ken’s business acumen. God's Love through Low Prices. Name: Myron D.

God's Love through Low Prices

Stoltzfus Sr. Title: Business Partner & VP at Denver Wholesale Foods Business Info: Denver Wholesale Foods started in 2006. We help companies when they have products they need to liquidate by buying and selling closeouts. We market the products to deep discount grocery stores, correctional facilities, and church co-ops. How would you describe your work day to day? Most of my interaction with vendors and customers is with email and phone. Globe business. How They Got Started: 3 Different Routes into Business as Mission. Prayer Ideas and Resources for Business People. BAM Job Opportunities in Nepal and China. 8 BAMers Share Their Stories: What Held You Back? Bold in Action: Mixing Business with Mission. C. Neal Johnson on Business as Mission.

Business as mission. Business As Mission 2015. Steve Rundle: What is Business as Mission? Business As Mission - Miracles in the workplace. Michael Baer - What is Business As Mission (BAM) Our Passion, Our Calling Business as Missions. ALT: Larry Sharp - Business As Mission.

Am I a Business Builder or Entrepreneur? Identifying Your Place

Ordinary People Series.