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Celebrating 20 years as a leader in digital banking, Axos Bank helps customers stay ahead in life and in business by offering Banking Evolved. If you want to know more visit:

Axosbank. Settling into a new house is very exciting, something you may have dreamed about for years.


While you’re emptying boxes and scrambling to put things away, take a moment to consider how you can make your new home truly your own. Before we unpack some helpful ideas, let’s dispel a common notion held by many new homeowners. What About Resale? You should only make changes that will appeal to future buyers, right? Not true. Make It Feel Like Home. Have You Outgrown Your Small Business Banking Partner? Your business is growing.

Have You Outgrown Your Small Business Banking Partner?

Maybe you’ve added more staff. How to Recover from a Job Loss. A job loss can feel like a blow, no matter when it strikes.

How to Recover from a Job Loss

And with a global pandemic raging – alongside a tanking national economy – the stress of a job loss will certainly be intensified. How does one recover with no clear end in sight? As bankers, we know a thing or two about economic disasters. For the past 20 years, we’ve supported our customers through several economic crises – and, in time, have watched them recover. How to Recover from a Job Loss. Small Business Banking Services. How to Create the Perfect Budget That You'll Actually Stick To. Leverage Digital Solutions for Your Nonprofit - Axos Bank. Axosbank. Should You Make the Leap from Renting to Homeownership? Periodic Risk Assessment and Process Implementation Is the Key to Business Success. How COVID-19 Is Causing Changes in Money Habits - Axos Bank. Can I Refinance during COVID-19? - Axos Bank. APIs: A Proven Tool for Business Growth - Axos Bank. Axosbank. Time.


It’s a resource that can’t be renewed, only saved. As a technology-driven financial institution, Axos Bank understands the value that time-saving tools bring to businesses operating in an ever-changing e-commerce environment. Enter Axos APIs — our simple solution that minimizes the time spent building products from the ground up and maximizes the time spent selling and managing your book of business. For more than 20 years, APIs have offered smart businesses the ability to leverage existing ideas to build innovative products. However, APIs’ multifaceted applications are still widely misunderstood. Axosbank. Last year, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey found himself with a problem.


A group of hackers used his phone number to post offensive tweets from his personal Twitter account. How were hackers able to gain control over his phone number? Easy – SIM swapping. By getting access to his login credentials – likely through a leaked password list – this gang of hackers was able to convince Dorsey’s phone provider to swap numbers from his device to theirs. (Hence the term, SIM swapping.) Dorsey was lucky. Axosbank. As an online bank based in San Diego, Axos Bank offers you the best of both worlds – a local financial institution that’s also available anytime, anywhere.


Born digital on July 4, 2000, Axos is more than just another online bank. We’re a local resource that’s committed to the people within the San Diego community. Over the years, we have fulfilled our mission of banking evolved by delivering financial strength, excellent customer service, and innovative products to businesses and consumers. With Axos, you’ll spend less time worrying about banking and more time enjoying all that San Diego has to offer. Still need convincing that Axos is the choice bank for San Diegans? 1. Auto Loan Amount, Monthly Payment & Interest Calculator. Is the End of the DTI Rule on the Horizon? Auto Loan Amount, Monthly Payment & Interest Calculator. How to Break Up with Your Kids Financially - Axos Bank.

How to Protect Your Accounts with a Strong Password. How many of these password tips have you heard before?

How to Protect Your Accounts with a Strong Password

Change your password every 90 days Replace letters with similar numbers Store passwords in a master spreadsheet Make your passwords super complex, like X%^&*#4aYO For years, we were taught that these tips are important. And while we often neglect them, they are also not particularly helpful in effectively managing your passwords and account protection. The security industry has realized its standard methods for password protection are completely ineffective. By forcing constant password changes and ridiculous complexity rules, they have essentially taught users to make passwords that are difficult to remember – and easy for computers to crack. Password management can be irritating or overwhelming with these outdated practices and poor execution. It’s actually more important to ensure your passwords are long, unique, and properly managed.

How to Protect Your Accounts with a Strong Password. Protect Your Accounts with a Strong Password - Axos Bank. Home Loan Basics - Down Payment and Closing Costs - Axos Bank. Home Loan Basics - Down Payment and Closing Costs - Axos Bank. How to Cut the Financial Cord with Adult Kids. Debt to Income (DTI) Rule to Be Eliminated? The end of the 43% DTI rule is approaching — so say many in the mortgage industry.

Debt to Income (DTI) Rule to Be Eliminated?

Is this an accurate reading of the recent steps taken by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or just wishful thinking? Axosbank. First, congratulations!


If you’re reading this article, you’ve likely found a special someone to share your life with. As such, you’ve decided to research the best way to financially combine your lifestyles. Scam Alert! Watch Out for SIM Swapping & Port Out Scams. 6 Steps to Reducing Your Banking Fees as a Small Business Owner. Have You Considered the Benefits of Auto Loan Refinancing? If you’re one of the over 100 million Americans with an auto loan, you’d probably love the chance to ease some of the financial burden.

Have You Considered the Benefits of Auto Loan Refinancing?

In fact, according to data from Experian, auto loan debt continues to set record highs with $1.2 trillion in total outstanding auto loan balances. With numbers like that, it makes sense to look for ways to save. Axosbank. The Benefits of AR financing with a bank. Have You Considered the Benefits of Auto Loan Refinancing. Home Loan Basics: Credit Considerations and Management. To you, your credit history may simply be the three numbers you pull up through an app on your phone. But what’s behind your score?

How is it calculated? What can increase it and what can sink it? Not knowing what affects your score can be an obstacle. After all, it is a major player, if not the most important factor, when you want to get a credit card, apply for a car loan, or purchase a home. Let’s pull the curtain back on credit score calculations and explore what appears on your credit report and how it can affect your loan application. Credit Reporting Bureaus Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are the three major credit bureaus in the U.S. Each bureau receives, records, and stores your credit information in its own way. 5 Reasons You'll Want to Switch to an Online Bank Account.

The future of banking has arrived. No waiting in line, 24/7 human support, little to no fees, and interest earnings more than 16 times the national average1. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Yet, digital banks are on the rise as customers flock to greater convenience and bigger rewards for their hard-earned cash. Protect Your Money - Watch Out For Banker Robbers. Darlene paced up and down her apartment. She couldn’t understand – how could this happen again? Darlene made a point of doing everything right.

She brushed twice a day and flossed at night. She changed her oil every 3,000 miles. And, her checkbook was always, always balanced. So, how could $12 go missing from her checking account again? Fraught with fear and tension, she drove across town to visit her bank. Home Loan Basics: Reasons to Refinance a Mortgage. Whether it’s been ten months or ten years since you purchased your home, you may find yourself occasionally mulling over the idea of refinancing. The thought may have been triggered by a news story about a sharp decline in interest rates, an unsolicited email promoting lower monthly payments, or a conversation overheard at the local coffee shop.

Fluctuations in interest rates are often the force that drives borrowers to refinance, but a number of other situations can cause borrowers to consider replacing their old loans with new ones. Will a Natural Disaster Wipe Out Your Mortgage Bank?