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Facebook Twitter :: Photos from KevBow. Stroboscopic Lighting. Flash Photography Made Simple by Chuck McKern For some reason, flash photography is a topic many people are deathly afraid of and many others don't fully understand. Flash units are just tools to assist us in our picture taking. They improve our photography by allowing us to control the light. I'm going to discuss flash photography in a manner that, I hope, is easy to understand and should take some of the fear out of using that "F" word (flash not the other "F" word silly). I'll also cover several ways to use your flash to achieve better results. When most of us think about using a flash, we think of low light scenes indoors or outside at night. Granted, a flash is important in these situations. Direct Flash Direct flash is what most people are most familiar with, and is when the flash unit emits its burst of light directly at the subject.

For many years, all flash attachments were designed as a direct flash (many less expensive units are still designed this way today). Fill Flash. 90+ Online Photography Tools and Resources.


Chrome. Photoshop Tutorials - Crystal Clear Iris. Using the Elliptical Marquee Tool, create a perfectly circular selection following the reference image to the left. TIP: To create a perfectly circular selection, press shift while making the selection. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool, deselect half of the circular selection. TIP: To deselect portions of existing selections, take any selection tool and press alt while starting a new selection. The area this new selection encompasses will be removed from the existing selection. Reset the Color Palette ( Press D ).

Make a new layer and activate it on the Layer Palette. With the Gradient Tool set to linear from black to white, make a gradient in the selection. Change the Blending Mode of the new layer to screen. You are done!


Hongkong. 10 Spectacular Cockpit Photos - Canadian Bootstrapper. Buy an Aerobatic Experience. Digital Black and White. Black and white was what first got me "seriously" into photography. While I never attained real mastery in black and white printing, I have spent a long time in various darkrooms. I still enjoy the aesthetic of black and white a great deal, and of course have tried to get the "look" I like in digital as well. Thanks to a lot of experimentation, some reading up, and tips from people who are a lot better at it than I am, I'm finally starting to see the kinds of results I wanted. In particular, thanks to Jim Fuglestad, aka Shutter at DPReview, who thought up the "dodge and soft light" technique described in this essay.

My father Shosta enjoying his vacation in Provence (2003). EOS-10D with EF 35/2. The craft of traditional black-and-white photography consists of three stages: exposure, development, and printing. Expose for the highlights. Straightforward enough? Exposure The big difference between digital and "silver" black and white is in dynamic range. When in doubt, underexpose. Ja'afar.


Loretta Lux. Fd's Flickr Toys. Selling Photos Online | Digital Photography News, Reviews, Tips. Revenue in February’14: US$ 6,006.22Total Photos in portfolio: +/- 8000 photosTotal Revenue from Microstock in 2014: US$ 12,141.27 It’s now easier than ever to earn extra money from your images by selling them online via micro stock photography sites such as Shutterstock, Fotolia, Dreamstime and many more (please keep reading to find out how much I earn from each stock photography site).. Join Stock Photography Forum on MyShutterspace It goes without saying that to be successful your shots need to be ‘good stock photographs’ and available in high resolution format.

But presuming that all this is in order, how do you maximize sale ability? Good Stock Photographs Firstly, you must know how to take good stock photographs. . - No digital noise, please… Most agencies rank each photo based on it’s overall quality and potential for salability. . - No snapshots or tourist-like photos, please… Do not ever think that you’ll earn lots of money by selling your snapshots or tourist-like photos. Uploading.