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AR for Anatomy - Brain Hack Demo. VR Simulation of Roof Construction. Know How Augmented Reality Important in Education. With the age of modernization and digitization that we have stepped into the importance of computer technologies and interfaces has increased.

Know How Augmented Reality Important in Education

Over the past years, global tech giants have invested a lot of money and resources to increase the research and development of futuristic technologies. This has led to a massive increase in the development of these technologies and they have progressed a lot. One of the technologies that received a boost and developed intensively was augmented reality. Augmented reality is an interface where the computer uses inputs that are given to it about real-life objects and it uses computer enhancements to reproduce those in its interface. The users can see and interact with those objects while they are aware that the objects are not real. Augmented reality for education has helped progress how we learn. The students need something intuitive to help them understand their courses better and that is where augmented reality can help.

Know the Uses of Augmented Reality in Healthcare Sector. Augmented reality has progressed at an unmatched pace.

Know the Uses of Augmented Reality in Healthcare Sector

There have been several developments that have taken place in this field and it has increased the applications of augmented reality even more. With every development that has come there has been an increase in the number of situations and fields in which augmented reality can be used to improve those areas. In the early stages augmented reality was only seen as an entertainment tool that provides the users with an immersive interface, however as augmented reality kept on developing more and more practical applications of it came to the forefront. Nowadays augmented reality has seen an increase in its use in fields such as engineering, education, construction, advertisement, and other fields. Best Virtual Reality Applications in Education. The world over the past few years has witnessed an increase in the importance and use of modern computer technologies in day to day life.

Best Virtual Reality Applications in Education

The major IT companies have invested a lot of money in the research and development of computer technologies which has led to many innovations that have come out. In the current scenario, computer technologies have become a part of our lives and we cannot do without it. The newer technologies that have come out have kept been continuously integrated into the various industries which have helped them to develop and progress further.

One of these technologies which are tipped to make huge progress in the coming years is virtual reality. Virtual reality takes the advantage of the advanced computer technologies to develop a simulation in which the user can interact and see objects present. Best Aviation Virtual Reality Training Software. With the development of computer technologies, there has been a huge growth in the development and use of interfaces like virtual reality.

Best Aviation Virtual Reality Training Software

Virtual reality is a computer-generated simulation in which the users can interact with the objects in a three-dimensional sphere. Virtual reality makes the use of many different components such as displays and sensors to give an immersive experience to the users. The users feel like they are present in the scene and not just watching from outside. Virtual reality has had a decent growth over the last three years or so but is projected to have a groundbreaking growth over the next 3 years. Augmented Reality in Medicine - Mages Studio. Uses of Virtual Reality in Construction Simulation.

VR Truss Builder Instruction - MAGES STUDIO. AR, VR and Applied Games Company in Singapore. What are Applied Games? League of Legends, Fortnite, Counter Strike – these names are notorious for hours of incredible fun and entertainment it has brought to countless people around the world.

What are Applied Games?

What if you could utilize these concepts to transform education into a fun and competitive process? Applied Games are designed for exactly this purpose – the gamification of education so as to engage learners on an entirely unprecedented level. Way back in 1970, an American researcher named Clark C. Know About Augmented Reality In Education - Mages Studio. Fire Safety Training - VR Training Simulation. Play Nation Tampines - Made by MAGES Studio. Virtual Clinic - It is A Applied Games Based Application. Virtual Reality Technology in Education. Virtual Reality Medical Applications. Virtual Reality Used in Architecture Visualization.

Virtual Reality Used in Architecture Visualization. What are Applied Games? Virtual Reality Applications in Education. 360 Virtual Reality versus 3 Dimensional Virtual Reality. Introduction: If you are a tech enthusiast, you must’ve heard of the buzz word, ‘Virtual Reality’ (VR).

360 Virtual Reality versus 3 Dimensional Virtual Reality

This technology resembles the technology that was used in the Movie, Matrix. Yes that turned out to be an evil entity but that’s not the case with Virtual Reality (VR). Some quick facts before we dive into the various types of VR: 171 Million People use VR as of today worldwide.Gaming VR revenue is expected to reach $22.9 Billion by end of 2020.Gaming market accounts for about 50% sales of total VR software sales. Now, the race is about how content is delivered to the people.

(Leftronic, 2020) Marketing tool to promote NTU Hostel Life. Virtual reality in construction simulation. Learn engineering concept through a Applied Games - MAGES Studio. Virtual clinic Virtual Reality Educational Games. What are Applied Games? Engineer On-board! Argumented Reality Effectiveness. Virtual Reality Adept at the latest cutting edge VR Tech.

Argumented Reality Effectiveness

We work with a variety of VR Hardware, from the Oculus Rift to the Google Cardboard. Our team is skilled at building the most complex interactions for 3D VR solutions using Game Engines such as Unreal and Unity3D, while creating effective 360 VR solutions meant for mobile deployment. Augmented Reality For Education. Welcome to the Future of Virtual Reality Applications in Education - All About Virtual and Augmented Reality. The education sector is ever evolving with the help of latest technologies such as e-learning, concept and immersive learning, virtual reality learning etc, all of which are enhancing the quality of imparted education.

Welcome to the Future of Virtual Reality Applications in Education - All About Virtual and Augmented Reality

Educational centres have already come up with powerful technology-based tools. Amongst all the advanced technologies, virtual reality moved from gaming experience to the field of learning. Virtual reality-based learning is a method used to enhance student engagement towards educational content and it is now a well established and most interesting way of delivering information and knowledge for an in depth understanding of concepts that too at your doorstep. The technology allows students to learn and explore without leaving the school or classroom. Go whenever you want to, find what you want to learn without moving out of your comfort zone.

VR Simulation of Fire Scenario. April 25, 2020 Using VR to recreate a high fidelity store environment for Franchise Replication. Powerful Real-World Augmented Reality Applications That Are In Use Today. Augmented reality is the integration of interactive digital elements into real-world environments.

Powerful Real-World Augmented Reality Applications That Are In Use Today

The growth of augmented reality applications in the recent years is because it has eased the purchasing method, i.e. it allows consumers to visualize what it might feel like to own a particular product or experience a particular service before actually purchasing it. The demand and investment in AR are very likely to increase as augmented technology is taking over so many aspects of business procedures and functions. It is predicted that by 2020, there will be over 1 billion augmented reality users globally. Given below are a few real-world augmented reality applications: 1. 2. Virtual Reality Physics Lab. Why is Gamification Important? Procedure of applying gaming designs to the conception of learning or training frameworks, to make them more appealing and enjoyable for the users is known as Gamification.

Why is Gamification Important?

The concept of this rapidly growing digital gaming is generally divided into different dual markets i.e, recreational gaming for entertainment purposes and serious gaming for educational and learning purposes. Every year consumers spend an expanding measure of time playing games. This collection of data has not gone unnoticed by gaming organizations. What is it about games that fascinate us and forces us to invest our time and lives and at times even keep us awake at nights?

Augment Reality Application by MAGES Studio. Chest Pain - Augmented Reality in Healthcare. Virtual Reality Technology. Mind the Drone - Law Case Study in 360 VR. VR TrussBuilder Instruction by MAGES Studio. The Ultimate Studio for All the Game Development Services One Can Ever Imagine - Virtual Reality Trend. This century is often termed as the age of the digital era.

Almost every aspect of the business and the non-business world has turned online and internet related. Technology has taken over everything. Amongst the many different activities and work fields, one field, in particular, has undergone a tremendous change. And that is the “game” environment. Gaming as an activity is not merely a hobby or an act performed by kids in leisure time but has evolved as a profession. Gaming as a full-time job does not involve always playing, designing or creating games but using games as a product. The Most Advanced Ar Technology Makes Its Mark In All The Domains. Effects in the animation discipline have been an integral subject of study. What began as the basic sound effects and motion effects have turned into VFX and AR and VR technologies. Surprisingly, effects as a whole have taken the shape of an exclusive area under learning. The cinemas and film industry along with the animation series made the most use of special effects.

Virtual Reality Safety Training Programs in Singapore - Virtual Reality Trend. Training is an integral part of health and safety programs, and it mandatory to be compliant with applicable regulations in many industries. However, training is expensive and time-consuming. These days, industries, specifically in Singapore, have come up with a new trend called virtual reality safety training. It is not meant to replace conventional hands-on training or instruction by in-person trainers but can be an effective tool used to supplement traditional forms of training. Virtual reality safety training enables on how to conduct a proper harness inspection so one can work at height knowing their equipment is safe to use. Aviation Virtual Reality Training in Singapore.

Proper training of workers plays a vital role in the aviation industry. Since both pilots and cabin crews are responsible for the lives of passengers, they must be adequately trained for almost any situation that may arise during the journey. There are many reasons why the next major technological breakthrough is aviation virtual reality training simulation, gaining recognition as the new way of training pilots. Top 7 Virtual Reality Companies in Singapore – All About Virtual Reality. VR is undoubtedly the future that has already started showing its traces in every industry.

You can use the simulated experience strategy to get into a completely different zone. While business houses can make big money, users are exposed to better customer experience. Presently, virtual-reality headsets and multiple-projected environments have been leading the way. Serious games studio Singapore. Year after year consumers spend an increasing amount of time playing games. Currently there are more than half a billion people worldwide playing computer and videogames for at least an hour a day (Jane McGonigal, Reality is Broken).

Robosop. How emerging Augmented Reality Technology in healthcare changing the fate of its stakeholders. With the new and latest developments in science and technology, Augmented Reality (AR) has made its impression in the minds of the people. It has surely gone popular with its application and uses leaving a long-lasting impact on every individual. It wouldn’t be wrong to term this technological innovation the finest amalgamation of entertainment and education. Can the application of Virtual Reality in Retail act as the marketing strategy for boosting up the sales graph? Consumer attraction and satisfaction is the prime objective of the retail business houses these days. With the world becoming an open global market, availability of online shopping stores, the market research analysts need to devise new and complex marketing strategies to attract potential buyers to the stores.

Virtual Reality- The New Emerging Future of Advertising and E-commerce - Virtual Reality Trend. Statistical growth in the sales and revenue of any business is the long-term goal that all the units in an industry aim for. There has been a major decline in the net profit ratios of the organization which were not able to adapt their operations with the upgrading and advancing technological developments in the external environment. Virtual Reality Training Simulation. Virtual Reality Games Development Company Singapore. Augmented Reality Development Company Singapore. Serious Game Development Services in Singapore. Developing games is a creative and technical art form. The single thing more fun than playing games is making them. All it takes is some time, eagerness to learn and excitement to create. You don’t require being a “coder” to make games. The beauty of the games is that they take a variety of skills to make.

Art, creativity, and thinking are just as important as code. The idea behind game development is to develop a solid gaming app that can entertain users with an impeccable gaming-experience. The Future of Augmented Reality. Humans are designing new technologies every day to make their lives easier, and augmented reality (AR) is one such technology designed for the sole purpose of the betterment of human life.

Importance of Gamification in Education. Procedure of applying gaming designs to the conception of learning or training frameworks, to make them more appealing and enjoyable for the users is known as Gamification. The concept of this rapidly growing digital gaming is generally divided into different dual markets i.e, recreational gaming for entertainment purposes and serious gaming for educational and learning purposes. Every year consumers spend an expanding measure of time playing games. This collection of data has not gone unnoticed by gaming organizations.

What is it about games that fascinate us and forces us to invest our time and lives and at times even keep us awake at nights? Virtual Reality (VR) in Healthcare. Virtual Reality/ Augmented Reality in Education. Virtual Reality Games Company Singapore. VR in Advertising and Augmented Reality in Ecommerce. Consumer Attention In a world where consumer attention is saturated with a huge a variety of digital media and stifling competition with new gimicks arising on a daily basis - it is becoming increasingly difficult for brands to maintain brand recognition in the minds of consumers.

Product Variety With e-commerce and lean business models, the barriers to entry for new brands is lower than ever before. In addition to this, brands are growing increasingly diverse within themselves. This leads to most markets being saturated with a huge variety of products and services competing with each other. Online vs Offline. Virtual Reality For Architecture Visualization.

Top Serious Games Studio and Company Singapore. Truss Bridge - Virtual Reality Application Development Company. VR Lab - Top Virtual Reality Studio in Singapore. Virtual Reality in Education - SMU Mind the Drone. Virtual Reality Games Development Company in Singapore. Top Augmented Reality Companies in Singapore. Best Gamification Companies in Singapore. Why is Gamification Important? The Future of Augmented Reality. Fundamentals of Game Development. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for Retail. Augmented Reality and Simulation in Healthcare Singapore. Best Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Company Singapore. Augmented Reality Development - Virtual Reality Trend. How Augmented Reality in Healthcare is Making Its Advancement? How Virtual Reality is Reshaping Architecture? One of the key traits of a successful architect is the ability to think creatively and be able to iterate your ideas till they take a final shape that's efficient and cost effective. Unlike many other engineering domains, it can be tough to visualize how your vision on a blueprint will unfold in reality and who any “what-if” scenarios will play out.

It can be at times difficult to present the grand picture to potential stakeholders and decision-makers and how your design choices will have the impact they demand. How Virtual Reality Training Simulations are Helping Industries? New Vision with Virtual Reality in The Field of Architecture. Virtual Reality Training at Mages Studio. The Serious Potential of Serious Games. VR Games That will Make The Gaming Experience More Real and Vivid. Use of Virtual Reality in Real Estate. How Virtual and Augmented Reality are Transforming Retail? Artificial Intelligence in Marketing. Virtual and Augmented Reality Training. MAGES Studio, a Singapore based Serious Game Development Studio. Virtual Reality Physiotherapy.

Use of Virtual Reality Applications in Entertainment. AR VR and Blockchain - More Than Sum of Their Parts. Virtual Reality - The Past of Our Future. Application of Augmented Reality in Various Fields. How Serious Games Such As Avengers Coding Kit Introduces Children to Programming? Using Virtual Reality to Develop Computational Thinking. Virtual Reality in Medicine. How Serious Games are Engaging Children to Teach Coding Skills? AR Set to Take Television to New Dimensions. Virtual Reality in Entertainment. Use of Virtual Reality Technology in Construction.