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Charles Vess’ Book of Ballads Accepted into the Library of Congress. The Book of Ballads by Charles Vess. Click to enlarge. A hearty congratulations is in order for Charles Vess. All 132 pages of original drawings for his Eisner Award-winning Book of Ballads have been accepted in to the Library of Congress, along with marked up scripts and preliminary layouts for each story. Charles’ The Book of Ballads came about in 1995 when the artist had the idea to collect his favorite writer-friends and have them write comic adaptations of English and Scottish ballads.

As I heard him tell the story, Jane Yolen was one of the first people he called, just to float the idea off of someone. The Book of Ballads was originally issued as four self-published comic books from his own Green Man Press as The Book of Ballads and Sagas. Take a look at some of the layouts and original art from Vess’ book. The False Knight on the Road, Neil Gaiman & Charles Vess Click to enlarge The Galtee Farmer, Jeff Smith & Charles Vess The Daemon Lover, Delia Sherman & Charles Vess. Steampunk utility corset underbust red by LillysWorkshop. Best-business-card-ever.jpg (700×412) Mac|Life Rethinks Apple: iDesk. Posted 01/17/2012 at 9:31am | by Chris Slate Making work much more efficient and immeasurably more fun to do Some of the most exciting new ideas are built upon old concepts, and revolutionize the ways in which we utilize things that have been around for so long that we hardly give them a second thought anymore.

Everyone expects continual technological advancement from computers and mobile gizmos, but when you can suddenly check email on the bathroom mirror (, entrust your climatic comfort to an intelligent thermostat (, or make the refrigerator the digital hub of your household ( well, that’s just cool. Improvements to seemingly small and insignificant things can greatly enhance the quality of our daily lives (thank you, Sleep Number bed!) , and since many of us spend a large portion of our days sitting behind a desk, it’s the perfect place for Apple to work its transformative techno-magic.

Illustrations by Adam Benton. 82 Clever and Creative Fred & Friends Products | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials - StumbleUpon. I'm sure you've come across Fred & Friend products before at your local indie store and might not have even known it. Last weekend I was cruising around town and stopped at an indie store only to find one whole corner of the place dedicated to Fred & Friend products. It was heavenly. I stood there for probably more than a half hour laughing and checking out all their cool stuff. A lot of creativity goes into the making of these products, and I think part of that cleverness is shown in the name of the product and the slogan. It's really a hoot flipping through their catalog and I often find myself posing the question: "How in heavens name did they think of that?

". Which one's your favorite? Disclaimer: the images you're about to view may not be suitable for all audiences. The OH! Conversational paperclips the hot buttered desk accessory! There’s no esc for flies! Bigger, better, louder, cooler who says dusting can’t be fun? We ALL need a foot in the door rude, chewed refrigerator magnets.

Time Travel Convention. Mod Retro Vintage Clothing &Indie Clothes | - StumbleUpon.