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Venngage: And Yet Another Online Infographics Editor. After 2 very similar posts in a very small timeframe, featuring and respectively, I seem not to be able to follow the 'automatic infographics editing' scene fast enough. Automatic resume infographics creator has just launched Venngage [], which aims to empower people to create beautiful infographics in minutes, so that "creating infographics [becomes] as easy as creating a Powerpoint presentation". As a unique feature, Venngage's visual elements are displayed as pure HTML elements, which should positively influence SEO stats, page ranks and back links. As with, venngage is able to directly link custom data values to data-driven graphs, but offers more visualization techniques that go beyond the traditional pie chart, line graph and bar chart, and includes sophisticated techniques such as treemaps, bubble charts, word clouds, and the like.

Untitled. Pictures at a Revolution - By Luke Allnutt. How Crowdsourcing Is Tackling Poverty In The Developing World. RedChatZone: HIV Counselling via Mobile Instant Messaging Chat. Airtime. The Broadcaster theme for Newscoop features the integration of Airtime functionality The latest maintenance release of Airtime 2.5.1 is recommended for anyone using Airtime 2.5.0, which introduced a customisable Playout History. In this release you can expect to find improved reliability of program scheduling with linked shows, and some important fixes to the station and user timezone handling. Looking ahead to 2014, we'd like your input on development ideas. Find out more below under "What's next".

Introducing Airtime's website theme: Broadcaster Working on new features for The Scope radio station, based at Ryerson University, the Airtime team have been working closely with our Newscoop theme developers to offer a brand new Broadcaster theme. The Program Grid in Broadcaster features the radio program schedule integrated in the web design You can find out more about Broadcaster: Airtime 2.5.0 introduced custom logging Template customisation makes data broadcast ready What's next?