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Jobless Benefits Expired? How To Make Money With No Job. There is bad news from Washington for the unemployed - jobless benefits for workers laid off for more than 26 weeks will expire, affecting 800,000 by early December 2010, 2 million by the end of December, and an estimated 5 million by April 2011.

Jobless Benefits Expired? How To Make Money With No Job

Merry Christmas, folks! Meager as they are, jobless benefits can mean the difference between eating and going hungry for many families this holiday season. If your family is one that will be affected by the expiring benefits, here are some ways you can make money with no job. How To Make Money Online.

Green Jobs

List of Small Business Ideas. Health Insurance Rescission and How To Fight It. Health insurance rescission is the practice of rescinding (canceling) health insurance coverage of clients due to misrepresentation or fraud.

Health Insurance Rescission and How To Fight It

However, what sounds like a perfectly reasonable practice designed to protect insurance companies against clients who knowingly misrepresent their state of health has become subject to rampant abuse by those same companies. Often what health insurance rescission means in practice is that insurance companies cancel the insurance coverage of clients in good standing when they become seriously ill, at the very moment they need coverage the most, on the flimsiest of grounds. Not only that, the investigation discovered that WellPoint had actually rewarded employees for canceling the coverage of sick patients. One employee of Blue Cross Blue Shield, a subsidiary of WellPoint, had single-handedly saved the company $10 million in policy rescissions.