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Unit 5 Natural Selection Handouts and Lecture Notes. What is the Evidence for Evolution? What Can Embryos Tell Us About Evolution? Evidence for Evolution: Paleontology, Biogeography, Embryology, Comparative Anatomy & Molecular Biology Video - Lesson and Example. The Theory of Evolution In another lesson you learned about evolution, which explains that species living today are descendants of species from long ago.

Charles Darwin observed this phenomenon and described it as descent with modification. Evolution occurs on a large scale over a very long time, but it is not unlike you and your parents. You are a descendant of your parents but in a modified version; you are not exactly like them even though you came from a combination of their genes.

Evolution is a hot topic these days. But despite the controversy, evolution is in fact the core theme of biology and has been studied extensively enough to be called a theory. Paleontology The field of paleontology is important to the support and understanding of evolution. Because new layers of ground and fossil form on top of old layers, this fossil record forms a sort of biological timeline. Biogeography Comparative Anatomy Molecular Biology Lesson Summary. Natural Selection & Adaptations | MarshScience7. 4. Discuss how natural selection produces adaptations found in a population of organisms. Natural selection works by favoring variations in individuals that help an organism survive in its environment.

These variations are inherited, so as the offspring of the organism with the variation have their own offspring, the variation will become more common in the population over time. 5. Compare the processes of natural selection and selective breeding. Natural selection is a process in which the variations favored by an organism’s environment are selected and passed along to offspring. 6. A.A boat motor cut off the arm of a starfish. B.A gardener’s application of fertilizer produced large roses. C.An all-white honeybee was born. D.A sled dog developed strong muscles. 7. A.a behavioral adaptation B.a genotype variation C.a phenotype variation D.a physical adaptation 8. A.differences in phenotypes in populations B.genes undergoing the process of mutation islands being formed 9. 10. Natural Selection Hands On Lesson Plan.

Students tend to understand concepts better after performing hands on activities that reinforce the ideas they are studying. This lesson plan on natural selection can be used many different ways and can be changed to meet the needs of all types of learners. Materials 1. A variety of at least five different kinds of dried beans, split peas, and other legume seeds of various sizes and colors (can be purchased at the grocery store relatively inexpensively). 2. 3. 4.

Procedure Each group of four students should: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Suggested Discussion Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. This lesson plan was adapted from one shared by Dr. ENSI/SENSI Lesson List: Evolution. Evolution Lab at In this lab, you will use a computer simulation to track a population of organisms as they evolve.

You will take data on the number and varieties of the organisms and graph them to show change over time and determine how two factors: MUTATION RATE and SELECTION STRENGTH affect how populations evolve. Instructions 1. Go to and click on the link that says "evolution lab" 2. 3. The Simulations Simulation A - The purpose of this simulation is to determine how the mutation rate affects the evolution of your population. Print Blank Data Tables (doc) and collect data as you run the simulation. Simulation B - The purpose of this simulation is to determine how selection strength affects the evolution of your population. Fill out the data table and create a graph for simulation B. Analysis Answer the following questions on a separate page, title this page "Evolution Simulation" and make sure your name is on it. 1. 2. 3.

Data tables 2 Graphs Analysis Questions. Evolution. Charles Darwin & Evolution. Darwin Online. Little Changes|evolution for kids,teaching resources,rinkidinks. Charles Darwin & Evolution. The Milstein Family Hall of Ocean Life Educator Guide - Activities: Glencoe Life Science Chapter 6 Worksheet: Evolution. Lsn_u5_ss.pdf.