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Kermit Highfield has ample experience in the food industry and private label business, having served as International Ingredients Sourcing Manager for Papa Johns Pizza and later founding his own company importing and repackaging olive oil for private label distribution in the United States.

Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Highlights Food Safety Laws in the US. Several agencies in the USA are involved in ensuring the safety of food, not only for consumption but also for the environment.

Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Highlights Food Safety Laws in the US

Kermit Highfield informed us that there are various laws that govern different aspects of food production, processing, packaging, distribution, labeling, import, export etc. Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) The law was proposed primarily to account for public health and safety. It was signed in the year 2011 in response to the reports of contamination and food-borne illnesses.

The FSMA regulates the food production process and applies to both animal and human food products. Current Goods Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) This law requires a detailed description of methodology, equipment, production facility, packaging, labeling, and precautions taken to ensure a safe product. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) This law supervises the entire process of food production to determine the hazards that may be involved.

Kermit Highfield Louisville KY on Nutritional Profiling of Quinoa. Understanding of GMOs by Kermit Highfield Louisville KY. Ever since the introduction of bio-engineered food or GMOs, the food industry has witnessed a continuous debate among consumer groups regarding the safety of these foods.

Understanding of GMOs by Kermit Highfield Louisville KY

Kermit Highfield believes that a lack of understanding regarding the genetically modified foods has caused an uproar in the food industry. What are GMOs? The genetically modified organisms (GMOs) consist of a gene or DNA segment from another species. A targeted gene responsible for imparting a desired trait such as disease resistance, high protein content, longer shelf life etc. is isolated using various tools in a laboratory. This gene is then inserted into the recipient plant which is now called a genetically modified organism.

Southern Food & Snacks 5206 Tomahawk Rd Louisville, KY Potato Chips Corn Chips/Snacks. Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Puts Light on Harm Effects of Hydrogenated Oil on Food. The worst sort of fat- Trans fat creates havoc for the body’s health, especially blood vessels, heart, and even for the whole body.

Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Puts Light on Harm Effects of Hydrogenated Oil on Food

The deteriorating food quality is based on trans fat, which further depends upon hydrogenated oil present in it. For years, just some of the professionals or top diet detectives could know about its presence in food items. To help you get insight and save yourself from health hazards, Kermit Highfield stresses on best ways to avoid taking it! Why is Hydrogenated Oil Used? Hydrogenated oil brings trans fat that raises bad cholesterol and causes heart diseases to the maximum. To add texture to the foodTo save moneyTo enhance stabilityTo extend shelf life By keeping the focus on these benefits, the companies using hydrogenated oils affect the overall health, specifically heart health adversely.

How to Spot Partially Hydrogenated Oil? Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Educates about Finding Green Alternatives for Packaging. After a long ongoing debate over the use of plastic as packaging material, a decision was made to ban its use.

Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Educates about Finding Green Alternatives for Packaging

The food industry is now focused on finding green alternatives to packaging which may not be an easy task. Kermit Highfield believes that difficult however it may be, it is possible to exploit some environment friendly packaging materials to replace plastic. Why the ban? The major issue is that plastic is non-biodegradable which means that it does not decompose and remains in the environment for several decades. A bulk of plastic waste ends up in water bodies which harms the aquatic animals leading to a disturbance in the ecological balance. Toribrown. Sussiesenus. Kermit Highfield. Is Organic Food Healthier by Kermit Highfield Louisville KY. Health awareness in consumers has led to several new trends in food industry, organic food being one of them.

Is Organic Food Healthier by Kermit Highfield Louisville KY

Past few years have witnessed a continuous rise in the number of Americans shifting towards organic food. According to Kermit Highfield, this trend may not be fully supported by scientific evidence. Why Organic Food? Organic food reportedly contains less pesticides than regular food due to the popular belief that organic farming uses no chemicals. The taste and nutritional value of organic food is thought to be better due to higher number of phytochemicals in absence of chemicals.

Is this information misleading? The organic farming methods are undoubtedly environment-friendly and approved by USDA, however, it is not true that no pesticides are used. Conclusion. Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Introduces Microwave Popcorn under Private Label. The concept of private label branding has swept the food industry by its feet.

Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Introduces Microwave Popcorn under Private Label

Many retailers have taken up on the idea of hiring a contract manufacturer to produce goods and sell those under their own label at competitive prices. Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Speaks on Reliability in Food Packaging – Kermit Highfield. Kermit Highfield Louisville KY – Food packaging is done not only for the ease of storage and marketing but also for brand recognition, product safety and shelf-life.

Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Speaks on Reliability in Food Packaging – Kermit Highfield

Packaging is equally important for both manufacturers and consumers. Kermit Highfield provided insight into food packaging guidelines for consumers’ benefit. Packaging Material There are certain materials approved by the Food and Drugs administration (FDA) that can be used as a packaging material. This decision is made upon a detailed study on all the compounds included in the packaging material and their effects on humans, animals, and environment.

Kermit Highfield Louisville KY. Health Benefits Seasonings are believed to contain essential nutrients as well as phytochemicals.

Kermit Highfield Louisville KY

These compounds have been reported to possess anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, cholesterol lowering, antioxidant properties. In fact, initial use of spices and herbs was for medicinal purposes. It was later that these ingredients found their way into the food industry. Research has established the role of some of the widely used seasonings such as garlic, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon in fighting certain diseases and disorders. Are seasonings only for professional chefs? The answer is no. “What you should know about your favorite sports drink” by Kermit Highfield.

Louisville, Kentucky Feb 5, 2021 ( - Athletes drinking colorful liquids is quite a common occurrence on television and live sports.

“What you should know about your favorite sports drink” by Kermit Highfield

Labeled a sports drink, these products are primarily used by people performing heavy physical activities for prolonged periods of time. Mr. Kermit Highfield notes that there are certain parameters in determining the quality of a sports drink. Function Sports drinks primarily used to quench thirst during physical activity also promote rapid absorption of the fluid by the body. Composition Sports drinks may contain 50-150 calories per serving which the human body requires to carry out normal functions. Flavor For the commercial success of sports drinks, adding flavor to an otherwise monotonous taste is a great tactic.

Summary Ideally, a sports drink should be a perfect balance of the above-mentioned parameters. Media Contact Kermit Highfield 5025671111 200 Distillery Commons Suite 220 Louisville, Kentucky 40206. Kermit Highfield Louseville KY speaks on use of seasonings in cooking. Herbs and spices have been used in the food industry for preparation of meat, pickles, chutneys, salad dressings, biscuits etc.

Kermit Highfield Louseville KY speaks on use of seasonings in cooking

Seasoning is a common term used to describe any ingredients that are topped off to enhance the flavor of the food. Kermit Highfield Louisville KY educates on Having Popcorn for Snack. Be it a movie night, game night or a house party over the weekend, snacks are the life of social activities. In the past, snacking was considered an unhealthy habit due to high-sugar foods being the primary group in this category. However, in recent years, many healthy snack options have emerged, the most popular being popcorn. Mr. Kermit Highfield Louisville KY believes that there are many reasons as to why popcorn should be a choice snack. Nutrition Popcorn is a high-fiber snack which is also an excellent source of carbohydrates and proteins.

Popcorn and Weight Loss For those interested in weight loss, popcorn should be an essential part of their diet. Kermit Highfield Explains How Covid Affected Snack Consumption in the USA.