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Cruft: Lasagna Cupcakes - StumbleUpon. When Intelligentsia Coffee opened in Pasadena recently, I was intrigued the lasagna cupcakes they served. The cupcakes are made by Heirloom LA, a catering business. About the size of a muffin, a single lasagna cupcake was a delicious meal. After seeing how much my daughter enjoyed them (she ate my entire cupcake and I had to order a second one), I decided I had to try making them at home. After a bit of research, here is my method.

The ingredients are fairly simple. Spray or wipe the cupcake tin with olive oil for prevent sticking and add a little flavor. Once you filled in the first layer, gently press another wrapper in, forming another cup. Once you've placed the second wrapper, repeat the filling as you see fit. A bit of Mozzarella cheese on top of it all. I baked them for 20 minutes at 375° F and then come out perfectly browned. If you remembered to use olive oil, they should slide out easily with top crispy and the wrapper moist and tender. The small cupcake size works well for us. Potatoes Romanoff - A Fancy Twice Baked Potato - StumbleUpon.

I’m totally ready for fall. I’m ready for super comforting meals that I get to eat while sitting at home, in my sweat pants, with my slippers on! And I’m ready for Thanksgiving. Too soon perhaps? Considering the fact that it’s still about 80 degrees here in LA, I guess this Potato Romanoff dish will have to do Twice Baked Potatoes have always been a favorite of mine, so when I saw this recipe for Potatoes Romanoff (something I had never tried before) I knew I had to make it immediately! Okay, here’s what to do… Start with 3 large russet potatoes. Wrap each of them up in tin foil. Stick them into a 425 degree preheated oven on the metal rack.

Next using a box grater, or your food processor grater attachment, grate all of the potatoes. Chop up a few shallots Combine the grated potato and chopped shallots into a large bowl Pile on most of the white cheddar cheese. Add the salt and pepper Followed by a big dollop of sour cream. Transfer the mixture to a baking dish and plop it on in. When French Toast Met Pancakes | Tasty Kitchen Blog - StumbleUpon.

If you ever want me to like you, just make me a light, fluffy stack of pancakes. I’ll blush, I’ll smile a lot, I might propose–it’ll be weird and cute. Promise. Just when I thought pancakes couldn’t get any better, I stumbled upon this recipe by Tasty Kitchen member frecklesandsunshine. The title: When French Toast Met Pancakes…and Fell In Love totally made me giddy with butterflies in my stomach. I was in love way before the batch was whipped up. What makes this recipe so unusual (and delicious) is how the French toast is coated in a very thin pancake batter, creating an amazing crust around the bread. Let’s dive in, shall we? You’ll need some ingredients. I used brioche because I wanted something that would be able to take the heavy batter. In a large bowl, add the eggs and beat ‘em until they’re light and fluffy. Next, we’re just going to add all of the ingredients (minus the bread) one at a time.

The baking powder … The vegetable oil … Vanilla extract (having fun yet?) Brown sugar … Pizza Braid | Busy Mommy: An Iowa Mom Blog - StumbleUpon. A pizza braid is very kid-friendly, easy on the wallet and extremely simple to make. My aunt and cousin first introduced me to them and I’ve been hooked ever since. The possibilities are endless of the varieties you could make (check out the Apple Dessert Braid!)

, but the recipe below is for a very basic hamburger and pepperoni braid. You could make your own dough, but I prefer the shortcut of using Rhodes rise and bake dough. This is one of my favorite shortcuts to make a nice loaf of bread or use in recipes like this one. As I said, this is extremely basic. The dough takes a few hours to rise, so I take it out in the morning and place a towel over it. Yes, yes the dough in that photo has not risen fully. Then you spread out the sauce, lay the meats down, followed by the cheese. Then with a pizza cutter, start cutting about 1 inch thick strips down the whole rectangle. Follow the pictures above. A few minutes before it’s done I brush with olive oil and sprinkle with oregano. How to Make Pizza Without Dough | « LXRCUISINE - StumbleUpon. I was getting kind of sick of ordering delivery pizza (this happens at least 2-3 times a month).

It was time to put a spin on gourmet pizza, but I just didn't know what it would be. Without pizza dough or an oven that is capable of creating the perfect pizza crust (I don't have an oven that can go up to a 1000 degrees), I decided I would use potatoes instead. This recipe is elegant enough to serve at a dinner party, but easy enough that you can cook it within 5-15 minutes. For 4 small, personal sized pizzas 4" in diameter, you will need: 2 large potatoes peeled and cleaned4 teaspoons salt (to flavor the potatoes) I'm doing four different flavor combinations here, and the measurements for each combination will top 4 small pizzas or 1 large pizza.

See below and choose your favorite, or serve all four different flavors. Cheese & pepperoni pizza: 3/4 cup mozzarella cheese1/4 cup marinara sauce10 slices of pepperoni (or as much as you like)7-8 leaves of fresh basil Mushroom swiss and ham pizza: