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RichTextbox example or sample in or how to insert or store richtextbox data into database and display richtextbox data from database in gridview using Introduction Here I will explain how to use richtextbox and how we can save our richtextbox data in database and how we can retrieve and display saved richtextbox data into our application using

RichTextbox example or sample in or how to insert or store richtextbox data into database and display richtextbox data from database in gridview using

Description: Today I am writing this post to explain about freely available richtextbox. Previously I worked on one social networking site for that we got requirement to use richtextbox at that time we search so many websites to use richtextbox but we didn’t find useful ones. Recently I came across one website and I found one free available richtextbox. After that Design your aspx page like this After that run your application richtextbox appears like this Now our richtextbox is ready do you know how we can save richtextbox data into database and which datatype is used to save richtextbox data and do you know how to display richtextbox on our web page no problem we can implement it now. After that add following namespaces in code behind Now write the following code in code behind Demo.

Installation Issue: Could Not Load File or Assembly FreeTextBox v3.3.1 - Installation Help - FreeTextBox Forums. Could Not Load File or Assembly FreeTextBox v3.3.1 Hello all,I have been using Freetextbox (free version) for a while.

Installation Issue: Could Not Load File or Assembly FreeTextBox v3.3.1 - Installation Help - FreeTextBox Forums

I have used it on .net 2.0 - 3.5 frameworks, using Visual Studio 2005, 2008, and 2010. I am now using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate with a Project in .net 4.0.I have downloaded the latest version of FreeTextBox (3.3.1), and installed the .net 4.0 dll into my project. However, once I placed a freetextbox element into a web page, I get the following error:Could not load file or assembly 'FreeTextBox, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5962a4e684a48b87' or one of its dependencies.

Operation is not supported. So, this is how I installed the freetextbox. 1. Reading the readme.txt file that came with the freetextbox download it states that I need to do the following for a .net 4.0 install:1. It also states that if you have a license (.lic) it should be included within the bin directory. Anyone have any ideas? Request Validation in ASP.NET. Request validation is a feature in ASP.NET that examines an HTTP request and determines whether it contains potentially dangerous content.

Request Validation in ASP.NET

In this context, potentially dangerous content is any HTML markup or JavaScript code in the body, header, query string, or cookies of the request. ASP.NET performs this check because markup or code in the URL query string, cookies, or posted form values might have been added for malicious purposes. For example, if your site has a form where users enter comments, a malicious user could enter JavaScript code in a script element. When you display the comments page to other users, the browser executes the JavaScript code as if the code had been generated by your website. This exploit is typically referred to as a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack. Request validation helps prevent this kind of attack. The method that you use to disable request validation depends on what type of ASP.NET web application you are working with:

Unit testing - ExpectedException on TestMethod Visual Studio 2010. Web Forms.