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16 Secret Google Analytics Advanced Segments Worth Their Weight in Gold. Analyzing your website data with Google Analytics is much like mining for gold. Advanced prospectors profit because they know where to look to find the nuggets, while inexperienced practitioners come up with only dirt after making the mistake of trying to prospect the entire mountain. If web analytics is like gold mining, then a Google Analytics advanced segment is the pickaxe you need to chisel through your data to expose the glimmering insights inside. We’ve tapped into some of the web’s finest web analytics professionals to share their tips for mining analytics gold. Here are 16 secret – until now – Google Analytics advanced segments that could make you insights rich, too. 1. This first series of segments is one of my favorites given that I work mainly in lead generation for higher education.

Link to Segment Series: 2. Whales is the e-commerce cousin to my lead gen segment, and it captures visitors who spend a lot with you. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Regular Expressions Google Analytics. Analytics Blog. What Is The Core Reporting API - Overview  |  Analytics Core Reporting API  |  Google Developers. This document provides a high level overview of the Google Analytics Core Reporting API Version 3.0. For a detailed reference of the API, see Reference Guide. Introduction The Google Analytics Core Reporting API gives you access to most of the report data in Google Analytics. With the Core Reporting API you can: Build custom dashboards to display Google Analytics data. Save time by automating complex reporting tasks.

Choosing a Version We recently launched a new version of the Core Reporting API. Building a new application? Getting Started Want to get started right away? Each application that uses the API will have to go through a couple of steps to register, authorize the user, and work with the API. Conceptual Overview The Core Reporting API returns report data consisting of statistics derived from the data collected by the Google Analytics tracking code. There are 3 fundamental concepts underlying the Core Reporting API: How reports relate to users and views (profiles). Back to Top. Dimensions & Metrics Explorer  |  Analytics Reporting API v4  |  Google Developers. Event Tracking Pt. 1: Overview & Data Model. One of the major new features announced by Google at the EMetrics summit is event tracking. There has been a lot of discussion in our industry about tracking events and only a few vendors offer this feature. I believe that Google is the third.

Anyway, this post gives an overview of the new feature. Part 2 covers the actual implementation and part 3 covers the reporting. What Are Events Events are actions that visitors take on a web page that don’t generate new pageviews. In the old GA we could track this data as a pageview. Event tracking adds another layer of data to the visitor data hierarchy: Visitors Visits Pageviews Events Now we can really get a good idea of how visitors are engaging our interactive content. Every time an event occurs GA will increase the event counter. Start With Business Questions Before I get into the structure of event data, I want to talk about analysis. But with events, you need to create ALL of the data that will end up in GA. Understanding the Data Model Labels.

Tracking Clicks with Google Analytics Pt. 0. Have you ever wondered what people click on when they get to your website? I don’t mean which links, I mean which elements. Do they get confused and think that an image is a link and try to click on it? Which outbound links do they click on? I know this may seem like a strange topic, but I am headed somewhere :) Using Google Analytics we can actually track every single click that a visitor makes. It doesn’t matter what they click on, we can track it. This functionality is great for tracking clicks on: non-html pages (mp3, pdf, exe, etc.)links to other sitesform elements There is some instruction in the GA help docs, but I’m going to dive deep into this topic during during three blog posts.

Part 1: About urchinTracker() In the first part of this series I’ll discuss the technology that Google Analytics uses to tracks clicks. Part 2: Basic Implementation Once we know how GA tracks clicks, I’ll walk through a basic implementation. Part 3: Advanced Implementation. Advanced Content Tracking with Google Analytics: Part 2. This is part two of a two part series on advanced content tracking. This post is about the reporting and analysis of how people interact with content. As I mentioned in part one, this technique and concept was born from collaboration. There are a number of people that need to be recognized for contributing: Nick Mihailovski – Developer advocate at Google (and the guys that sits across from me)Thomas Baekdal – Smart guy and publisher of (you should subscribe)Avinash Kaushik – If you don’t know Avinash…Joost de Valk – Creator of the Google Analytics for WordPress plugin (you should use it)Eivind Savio – Blogger and GA consultant (read his stuff) Let’s look at some data.

The Reports This tracking technique uses event tracking to track how people scroll through pages on a site. Here’s the Content > Events > Top Events Report. Reading actions in Google Analytics All the events are bundled in the Reading category. Drill into the Reading event to view the specific reading actions. Advanced Content Tracking with Google Analytics: Part 1. This is part 1 of a two part series on advanced content tracking. This post is about why you might want to use this technique and how to implement. The next post will cover the reporting and analysis.

Do people actually read content? The default content tracking content in Google Analytics is fairly straight forward. But sometimes this is not enough. I want more detailed information about each article. What would be better is a way to measure more detailed information about how website visitors interact with each page. So that’s what this post is all about: measuring how people interact with content using custom tracking.

Some Thanks Before we begin, this blog post, technique and concept was born from collaboration. Now, on the details! Business Objective As I mentioned above the objective here is to get a better understanding, on a page by page basis, of the content that visitors engage with. Think about the value here! Tracking Technique All of the above can be tracked with Event Tracking. Understanding Google Analytics Time Calculations. Measuring time on a website can be hard. Really hard. Every web analytics tool has issues, and that includes Google Analytics. I’d like to clarify how Google Analytics track time on page and visit length. It’s probably different than you think. Understanding Engagement Hits The key to understanding Google Analytics time calculations is understanding the data that is sent to Google.

Data hits are the image requests sent to Google Analytics. Pageview hitsEvent hitsEcommerce transaction hitsEcommerce transaction item hitsUser defined hits (this is the predecessor of custom variables)Social plugin hits While these are all data hits they are not all engagement hits. An engagement hit is any hit that is not marked as “non interaction” and is not filled only with custom variable information. Filtering the above list of data hits using the engagement hit definition results in five types of engagement hits: You’re probably wondering, “what the heck does this have to do with time calculations?” Understanding Google Analytics Time Calculations. Nurturing Your Customers & Business with Universal Analytics. Disclaimer: This is a personal post on a personal blog . I’ve been working in the analytics industry as a consultant for a few years and have gotten a feel for some of the challenges that business face.

These are my personal ideas and do not reflect those of my employer. Now that all the excitement has started to subside around Google’s Universal Analytics announcement last week I wanted to take some time and talk about how the system can actually be used. I think it’s important to remeber that Google Anlaytics is a platform. The current Google Analytics does a great job of measuring the digital world. The goal of Universal Analytics is to give a business insights into their entire world.

To understand the platform let’s walk through how a real business might use Universal Anlaytics. Note: Whenever I give a talk I like to infuse it with a personal touch, which often includes a reference to Vermont, a place I love dearly. The Business This is key. They also have an amazing app for iOS. Measurement Protocol data collection - Analytics Help. Gestion de la durée des sessions et des campagnes - Aide Google Analytics. Définissez la durée des sessions et des campagnes. Cette fonctionnalité n'est disponible que pour les propriétés qui utilisent Universal Analytics.

Les sessions et les campagnes se terminent une fois un certain laps de temps écoulé. Par défaut, une session se termine au bout de 30 minutes et une campagne dure six mois. Vous pouvez modifier ces paramètres de sorte que les sessions et les campagnes se terminent au bout d'un certain laps de temps. La durée d'une session et d'une campagne dépend de votre site et de votre entreprise. Voici quelques idées qui vous permettront de choisir une durée appropriée pour les sessions et campagnes : Si votre site permet aux utilisateurs de se déconnecter automatiquement après avoir été inactifs pendant un certain laps de temps, définissez le délai d'expiration de façon qu'il s'ajuste à ce laps de temps.

La durée d'une campagne ne peut pas être supérieure à deux ans. Modifier la durée des sessions et campagnes Accédez à une propriété. How a web session is defined in Analytics - Analytics Help. Les informations incluses dans cet article ne concernent que le suivi des pages Web. Les calculs ne s'appliquent pas aux données collectées via le SDK Analytics pour un système d'exploitation pour mobile.En savoir plus sur les sessions dans les applications Il est important de comprendre le concept de "session" dans Analytics. En effet, la façon dont Analytics calcule les sessions a une incidence sur un grand nombre de rapports, de fonctionnalités et de statistiques. Vue d'ensemble Une session correspond à un groupe d'interactions effectuées par les utilisateurs sur votre site Web au cours d'une période donnée.

Une session peut s'apparenter à un conteneur incluant les actions effectuées par un utilisateur sur votre site. Un même utilisateur peut entamer plusieurs sessions. Expiration en fonction de la durée Combien de temps une session dure-t-elle ? Par défaut, une session se termine après 30 minutes d'inactivité. Exemple Imaginons que Jean interagisse avec votre site Web au rythme suivant : Hits, Sessions & Users: Understanding Digital Analytics Data.

We talk about data every day – sessions, visits, conversions, pages, hits, etc. etc. etc. But sometimes we fail to understand how all of these metrics fit together and where they come from. Let’s take a look at how digital analytics tools organize data. All digital analytics data is organized into a general hierarchy of users, sessions and hits. It doesn’t matter where the data comes from, it could be a website or a mobile app or a kiosk. This model works for web, apps or anything else. Digital analytics data is organized into a hierarchy of hits, sessions and users. Sometimes we use the terms visitors instead of users and visits instead of sessions – they’re analogous. It’s important to understand each piece of the hierarchy and how it builds on the other to create a view of our customers and potential customers. Let’s start at the bottom, with hits, and work our way up to users. Hits A hit is the most granular piece of data in an analytics tool.

All data is sent using a hit. Session Why?