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Diaconate policies of cpc st louis. MNA: Disaster Response. Redeemer City to City : Resources. Mercy Ministry News. Mercy Recources at Olive Branch, Presbyterian Church - Philadelphia, PA: Articles about Mercy Ministries. Diaconate - Who We Are and What We Do The Diaconate, a group of men and women nominated, trained, elected and appointed by Redeemer elders and members, exists to contribute to the building of a repentant and rejoicing community through loving, truth-telling relationships where practical, visible needs are being met while hearts are being changed through encounters with Jesus and one another.

We express in practical ways Christ's command to all believers to love our neighbor as ourselves. The Diaconate is a ministry of mercy that reaches out to people in Redeemer's congregation who are in crisis or in challenging circumstances and offers help in assessing their needs and working together to find solutions.

Unlike elders, who are responsible for teaching the Gospel, administering healing prayer, and overseeing the church, the Diaconate (deacons and deaconesses) focuses on extending mercy and compassion. God's mercy moves Him to relieve suffering and misery. What Do Deacons and Deaconesses Do? Gospel. Church Disaster Mental Health Project: Training Resources.