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EVE Evolved: Setting up your overview, part 1. Since it can often be hard to find or click on something in three dimensional space, EVE Online provides a useful tool called the "overview" to make life easier.

EVE Evolved: Setting up your overview, part 1

The overview window lists objects and ships in your general vicinity and is one of EVE's most important tools for providing situational awareness. Whether you're mining, running missions, pirating or engaging an enemy fleet, almost every activity in space relies heavily on using the overview. In this two-part guide, I break down the overview settings and examine the best way to set up your overview for activities ranging from fleet warfare to mission-running.

Why is the overview so important? :In addition to the convenience of clicking on items in a list rather than having to locate them in space, the overview has some essential functions. With all of these options, setting up your overview can be a confusing affair. Filtering the overview: There are two main schools of thought when setting up your types list. Appearance menu: Posts from the Eve Online Category at Massively. Eurogamer recent talked to CCP chief marketing guru David Reid about the company's place at the forefront of the fledgling virtual reality movement.

Posts from the Eve Online Category at Massively

EVE Valkryie was the first title to be publicly played on both the Oculus Rift (PC) and Sony's Morpheus (PS4), which puts CCP in the driver's seat in terms of VR game development. "There aren't a lot of white papers and APIs and ways of doing these things yet," Reid explained. "We want to be a flagship game. We're on the cusp, potentially, of a really big transformation in how games are built and played, but we have to do our part to make sure that's worthwhile for everybody.

" Reid also talks up Valkryie's connection to the economies in DUST 514 and EVE Online as well as its "rock/scissors/paper" game mechanics. Continue Reading. Eve “Overview and Brackets” Tutorial « The Hines57 Blog. The Overview (pictured left) in Eve is is a vital tool for all Pilots.

Eve “Overview and Brackets” Tutorial « The Hines57 Blog

Regardless of whether you are a Trader, Miner, or Warrior – when you undock that ship, the Overview tells you more about what is going on around you than anything else. Additionally, it is one of the easiest places to interact with other objects in space. As such, it’s important to master the configuration of this little beast we call "The Overview”.

Unfortunately, it’s not a straightforward nor easy process. Like much of the Eve-Online Interface, it is enveloped in arcane references to technical terms and then hidden behind a shroud of poor user interface mechanics. Anitta Blake puts forth an excellent piece in the form of a downloadable PDF that one might use as guidance on setting up the overview for PVP. Required Reading We could rehash a lot of this; however, Eve has already documented a bit, and others have added their take as well, so it seem prudent to simply stand on their shoulders. What They Didn’t Tell You. EVE Insider. Category Archives: Tutorial. Academia Hispana. FrutopiA.