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Ultimate EVE Excel Sheet. Eve Industrial Organiser 2012. Current Features Inventory Track the inventory that matters - if it's used in manufacturing it's here (except implant materials). Gives Market value, total M3, if it can be refined the refine price at zero refine rates, and can easily be filtered so you see only what you need. There are after all 926 items to track and that's just the manufacturing process. Manufacturing Want to know your monthly mineral shopping bill for all your consumable products? All this and more. Market Prices. This was the biggest headache to keep updated as it was done manually, really annoying! Mineral to Ore Calculator You know many minerals you need, wouldn't it be nice to see what ore you should obtain in order to fulfil this quota?

You enter the units of minerals you need, it will tell you how many batches of ores you will need and the market price, the total M3 etc. Mining Op Share Scheme Indi Op Upcoming Features EIO Advanced 2012 Planetary Interaction Management Pos Calculator Reaction Calculator Integration. Eve Addicts. [Sofware] EveRefinery - Make money from your loot - Missions & Complexes. Science and industry (Useful threads) EVE Production Mixer. What to Build? Instructions / (Made Up) FAQ What? What blue prints make the most Profit N Loss (PNL) over base mineral cost? How about the most Isk/hour manufacturing time? Which of the blue prints you have in your hanger right now make the most isk? Search using api key search. Which new blue prints should you buy?

Search by name or type. Who? Manufacturing assumes you have 100% efficiency ... this means you have Production Efficiency skill trained to 5. What's with this Invention Chance thing on expanded t2 blue prints? NEW T2 blue prints now optionally show Data Cores needed to produce the t2 blue print in the first place through invention to help you calculate the actual cost and PNL of making them. Invention_Chance = Base_Chance * (1 + (0.01 * Encryption_Skill_Level)) * (1 + ((Datacore_1_Skill_Level + Datacore_2_Skill_Level) * (0.1 / (5 - Meta_Level)))) * Decryptor_Modifier There are calculators available like this one that can help you find the invention chance of any blue print easily.

How? Eve Online Market Guide. Dedaf's industrial tool - Science & Industry. EVE Online | EVE Insider | Forums. Edited by: Kjellerup on 04/07/2006 07:53:40Edited by: Kjellerup on 07/06/2006 13:21:28Over time I've seen so many posts about Material Research (ME) on this forum. Some have been great, others pure guessing. Therefore I've decided to write this little paper on what skills and what research to do when you want to produce at low cost. When you produce stuff there is always some kind of waste involved.

This waste can be decreased by two things: 1) Your Production Efficiency skill (Reduces incompetence waste). Called PE.2) The Material Research Level of the BPO (Reduces design waste). Called ME. Wasteage is always added to the base mineral amount of what you are producing, and no skill level or ME lvl can reduce mineral cost below the base amount. First let me point out that there's a little confusion as to incompetence waste. On a note some people will probably come here saying it's 25% - 4% per lvl, meaning you will always have a 5% incompetence waste, even at PE lvl 5.