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40 Best Facebook Timeline Covers to Impress Your Friends. For brands on Facebook — 6 ways to push beyond the “Like” Smart marketers are putting a lot of thought into how to get their brands “Liked” on Facebook. But what happens after the Like? You may be pushing out content to your followers, but with the clutter and limited shelf-life of the feed, are your efforts really paying off? Are you really connecting with your audience? Here are six ways to build up the engagement with your brand’s community of followers:: 1.

Maximize fan value. Original music is another, massive fan touch point for Red Bull – its Music Academy as well as its Soundstage tirelessly identify and prop up emerging musicians, extending their reach to new audiences and “giving them wings.” 2. 3. 4. Various segments of fans exist and you’ll need to create unique content channels to ensure they’re reaching the most passionate brand advocates in their preferred way. 5.

Not to be outdone, American Express is also tapping into new audiences with visibility across events from the Tribeca Film Festival to the US Open. 6. Facebook Custom Tabs Are Not Dead, They’re More Alive Than Ever — SocialMouths socialmouths. As we all know, Facebook deployed the new Timeline Pages last month and, as expected, the first public reaction was a waterfall of rants about the new approach for Tabs. Marketers have been in a period of adaptation for the last couple of weeks, creating new strategies to improve their communications, adapting to a new marketing approach through more visual content and storytelling, and why not, what to do with Tabs. One of the most significant changes that came with Timelines for Pages is that we no longer have the possibility to set up a Tab as default landing for first-time visitors.

A Tab that was mostly used to improve on Like Conversion and gave you the possibility to welcome visitors with a customized message. Why Custom Tabs didn’t work before If you are used to spending some time looking at your Page Insights, you’ve probably noticed that Tabs other than the “Landing Tab” get much lower traffic if any at all.

Why Tabs are more relevant than ever 810 pixel Tab Fan Gates, Reveal Tabs… — SocialMouths socialmouths. Welcome Thanks for subscribing to SocialMouths, I think it’s very cool that you’re here. And as a token of appreciation, you’re about to experience my FREE mini-course on how to create Custom Tabs for your Facebook Page. Are you excited? Good! ’cause I am too… In case you don’t know me, I’m Francisco Rosales, author of SocialMouths and now your “virtual” instructor in this mini-course. Goals So let’s start by going over the goals for this course. I want you to walk away from this mini-course… with a clear understanding of how Facebook Tabs workknowing how to set up your own Facebook Appswith different options to build the content for your Taband hopefully with your first Tab already live on your Facebook Page I will try to go over every single detail in the process so you don’t miss anything.

How this Mini-Course works Let’s do some housekeeping before we start, just so you get familiar with where things are or how to find them and some other details you should be aware of. Contents Navigation. 9 Ways to Delight Your Facebook Fans Without Giving Away The Farm. How to Teach Your Boss About the Social World Outside of Facebook & Twitter. Your boss finally relented and gave in to a company Facebook page. He okayed your request to join “the Twitter.” But when it comes to the other social media sites of the world? He’s more clueless than your 90-year-old grandma. Whether you’re selling a company Google+ page or trying to open your boss’s eyes to the joys of Pinterest, here’s your ultimate guide to explaining the likes of Tumblr and StumbleUpon to your technophobe boss. 1.)

Image: Adriano Gasparri via Flickr Why you should mention it: LinkedIn is the Facebook of the professional world. How you should sell it: LinkedIn business pages don’t follow the same one-size-fits-all approach as Facebook business pages: they’re completely customizable for different audiences. Seal the deal: Mention that LinkedIn profiles and pages tend to rank highly on Google, so you’re missing out on a chance to expand your brand-controlled search results. 2.) Image: dabbleicious via Flickr Pinterest is the hottest social site around. 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.)