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Sinful Sweets

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Risotto Rice Pudding with brown sugar and vanilla. Hi. hello. hey. so. i made this rice pudding, then i stood in my kitchen and ate it from the pot with a tiny spoon. a really tiny spoon.

Risotto Rice Pudding with brown sugar and vanilla

Baked Beignets with Chicory Coffee Sauce. The Best Cookie Dough Dip.

Whoopie Pies

Fruity Sweet. Custards & Danish. Candy. Cookies. Brownies & Bars. Cobblers. Cakes. Red Velvet. Cupcakes & Muffins. Cafe Munchkin » Teeny Tiny Turon (Banana Spring Rolls) Teeny Tiny Turon (Banana Spring Rolls) Some days ago, we had bananas waiting so desperately to be eaten.

Cafe Munchkin » Teeny Tiny Turon (Banana Spring Rolls)

Instead of taking my usual “save-the-bananas, bake-banana-muffins” route, I decided to make something that will give me a taste of home. Turon! Turon is otherwise known as banana fritters or banana spring rolls.

Tarts & Truffles
