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How Mad Men's Christina Hendricks Keeps Fit. Her surprising secret to staying in shape!

How Mad Men's Christina Hendricks Keeps Fit

Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. By Rebecca Ascher-WalshWebMD Magazine - Feature How does the curvy glamour-puss secretary from Mad Men keep her famous shape in shape? She works out with her husband! Best known as Joan in the hit AMC series Mad Men, Hendricks, 36, also knows the value of slowing down and nurturing herself. But she doesn't. Work it. Hendricks says she uses the treadmill, does weight training, and uses a BOSU ball. Continue reading below... Be mindful. Accept yourself. Eat smart. Don't focus on an ideal. Lbn-cleanse. Detox - Recipes. The aim of the recipes below is to give your body an abundance of nutrients in a way that it will find easy and effortless to digest and utilise.

Detox - Recipes

Please feel free to contact us if you have any other recipe suggestions that you would like to publish here! Alkalising Raw Soup Serves 2 This is definitely a highly energising soup and is a big favourite while on a cleanse or detox. Contains avocado which is high in EFAs and cucumber which is well known for its cleansing properties. Ingredients: 1 avocado 2 spring onions 1/2 red or green pepper 1 cucumber 2 handfuls of spinach 1/2 clove of garlic Bragg Liquid Aminos to taste 100ml of light vegetable Bouillon (yeast free) Juice of 1 lemon or lime Optional: coriander, parsley, cumin.

Blend the avocado and stock to form a light paste, then add the other ingredients and blend. Vegetable Super Juice Serves 2 1 whole cucumber 4 sticks of celery 2-4 handfuls of spinach 8 lettuce leaves Any other greens! Healing Detox Juice Warm Broccoli Soup Voila! BEST WORKOUT FOR AN HOURGLASS BODY. The shape: Curvaceous like Beyoncé or Scarlett Johannson, woman with curvy body types are balanced beauties who fill out a bikini top and bottom.


When they gain weight, it tends to be all over. Like pears with larger chests, they have the curves, but what they usually lack is all-over muscle tone. The Rx: Without some full-body toning exercises, hourglass-shaped girls run the risk of popping out a little bit too much, especially in the thighs and upper arms.

To keep a shapely yet firm figure, curvy body types should pay special attention to their extremities. The Workout:Monday: For each exercise shown, do 1 set of the prescribed repetitions, rest 30 seconds, then do another set of that same exercise. Wednesday: Perform the moves circuit style: Do the prescribed number of repetitions for each exercise, with no rest between exercises. Friday: Perform each set of two exercises back-to-back, with no rest between each exercise. Yoga cures.

Bedtime Yoga. Yoga For Bedtime Whether you are a night owl who would rather be a morning bird, have trouble falling asleep at night, or just need a little extra help relaxing before going to sleep, doing a little yoga before bedtime can help.

Bedtime Yoga

This routine—which you can do in bed—will put your body and mind to rest, helping you to sleep soundly through the night so you can wake up rested and fresh for the morning. No sleeping pills required! First things first. Get ready for bed. Short Meditation Sit up in bed comfortably, either with your legs folded or straight in front of you; whatever you can do with the most ease. Seated Twists Stay in your seated position and twist around to the back of your bed. Easy Forward Bend Keep your seated position and gently bend forward at your hips and let your hands stretch out straight in front of you on the bed. Legs Extended Forward Bend Flat Back Slowly start to straighten your legs in front of you. Legs Extended Forward Bend Round Back Lying Down Knee to Chest Knee Hug.