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Beauty. Job Search. Food. Relationship Advice. Music. Technology. Financial Advice. Life Hacks. Ideas to Make Life Better. The Mind. 3 Things Dreams Tell You About Yourself. 3 Things Dreams Tell You About Yourself Your dreams are there in front of you every night, talking with you, discussing a potpourri of fascinating topics and enabling you to reach beyond what you know and even understand. What 3 things are your dreams telling you about yourself? Your Journey – Your Past Your dreams gather together your past history and start unraveling it to you. Things happen in our life that sometimes just don’t make sense and we are left wondering how and why we ended up where we did.

Life can be a big mystery to you but your dreams bring the pieces together and complete the jigsaw puzzle for you. I once had a dream that in one scene i was driving a car down a dark alley and a gang of men came at my vehicle with knifes and tried to open the doors of my car as i tried to get away. This dream for me was explaining what had been happening in my life as I had just been through a difficult time. Your Secrets The Present – Why is this happening? - Delwyn Armstrong. Fitness Is a Skill, Not a Talent: Here's How to Develop It. Reducing Stuttering Blocks by Controlling the Body's Valsalva Mechanism.

Presentation for the International Stuttering Association's 9th World Congress for People Who Stutter Buenos Aires, Argentina - May 18, 2011 Copyright © 2011 by William D. Parry Introduction My name is William Parry. For most of my life I myself struggled with stuttering. I am now pursuing my second career – that of a professional speech-language pathologist – in the hope of furthering the understanding and treatment of stuttering. However, I would like to begin by outlining my present beliefs regarding the nature of stuttering and stuttering blocks. Persistent Developmental Stuttering First, I want to be clear as to what I mean by “persistent developmental stuttering.” Understanding Stuttering Stuttering is a multi-faceted condition influenced by many factors, depending on each individual. The Mechanism of Stuttering Blocks The Real Problem Is the Vowel Most people assume that stutterers have trouble saying initial consonants.

Stuttering and Phonation However, when he gets to the vowel sound – Potty Training in Less than a Day? Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. 5 Keys to Perfecting the Art of Email Subject LinesPR News. Get $150 Off PR News' Social Media Conference At PR News’ Social Media Conference, taking place October 9 at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, you will receive instruction from experienced social media communicators and take away practical knowledge that you can put to work right away as soon as you return to the office. Use code “150off” at checkout. Get $50 off PR News' Media Relations Guidebook This 8-chapter resource contains practical implications for some of the most innovative developments in media relations, including the technologies, methodologies and mannerisms that determine the ecosystem in which PR pros practice this essential part of their craft.

Use code “50off” at checkout. Save $100 on a PR News Subscription Let PR News become your weekly, go-to resource for the latest PR trends, case studies and tip sheets. Use code “SUBDEAL” at checkout. The dangerous dozen: gangs considered the greatest threat to the state prison system - Narco Confidential. Texas prison system's dangerous dozen U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives aryan-brotherhood Aryan Brotherhood of Texas In this photo, Steven Walter Cooke, a general in the Aryan Brotherhood is picture.

There are thousands of gangs in Texas, but only a dozen are considered such a threat to this state’s prison system that all members, regardless of their crimes. are required to serve all their time isolated in one-man cells for 23 or more hours a day. Unlike other prisoners, they are not allowed to walk the yard or even have a prison job picking cotton or vegetables. They are locked down nearly around the clock, aside from when they are in some instances escorted alone to a larger cage for recreation or showering. It is just about the toughest way to do time, but the state considers them too organized, too predatory and too dangerous to other inmates as well as prison staff to even permit them among a prison’s general population. Doing hard time in Texas prisons. 31 Life Changing Useful Gadgets.

64 Flares Twitter 35 Facebook 0 Google+ 8 Pin It Share 21 Email -- 64 Flares × I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a gadget out there for literally everything. I mean, there’s already a gadget that lets you zip up a hoodie one-handed, and a self-turning ice cream cone, but did you know there’s a gadget that re-strings and re-threads your hoodie’s drawstring without a struggle? Yeah, you thought that $60 American Apparel hoodie was a lost cause, but not anymore thanks to this handy little gadget! And an under-desk foot hammock? Yes please! Here are 31 useful gadgets that might even change your life: 1. Via The Independent Just like a pizza cutter, only better. 2. Via gizmag We all know the “air conditioning” trick of one leg out of the blanket, but this is just fantastic. 3. Via Colossal We all know you can never eyeball the perfect spaghetti portion. 4. Via ThinkGeek When you want a tattoo, but don’t want the commitment. 5.

Via Amazon Advertisement Keep those sneaky thin vegetables in check. 6. Top 10 Legal Rights and Issues Everyone Should Know About. Take A Coffee Break With These 6 Web Games. News 92 FM - Photos du journal. The Psychology of Self-Control. By Maria Popova “Everyone’s self-control is a limited resource; it’s like muscle strength: the more we use it, the less remains in the tank, until we replenish it with rest.” Ever since psychology godfather William James first expounded the crucial role of habit in how we live and who we become, modern psychology has sought to figure out how we can rewire our bad habits, maximize our willpower, and use habits to optimize our productivity.

And yet, if the market for self-help books and to-do apps and productivity tools is any indication, a great many of us still struggle with either understanding the psychology of habit and willpower or applying it to what really matters. In Making Habits, Breaking Habits: Why We Do Things, Why We Don’t, and How to Make Any Change Stick (public library), psychologist Jeremy Dean illuminates an important common misconception about how willpower shapes our habits and behaviors: Donating = Loving Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter.

Share on Tumblr. Too Lazy to Skim? Get The Gist With These Top 3 Summarization Tools. Ever looked at a long piece of writing and thought how convenient a quick summary would be? Felt too lazy to bother even skimming? Curious what the key points of your own writing are? I tested a number of different free online summarization tools so you don’t have to. Just pick your favourite and off you go, ready to be lazier more efficient than ever at the click of a button. Testing The Online Summary Tools I tested each online summarizer tool by summarizing Vox’s 1700 word article arguing why cyclists should be able to roll through stop signs and ride through red lights (aka the Idaho Stop). There are a few things common to good summaries: All the critical pieces of logic are included for an argument to make sense.Prevent information overload. If a human were crafting a summary from scratch, I would also expect it to be written in his or her own words, but for the purpose of automated tools that would be unfair.

The Top 3 Online Summary Tools Online Summarize Tool Automatic Text Summarizer. 10 Life Situations And The Playlists You Need To Survive Them. There are certain songs we hear and immediately associate with a powerful memory, because music can transport us like few other things can, and can make getting through difficult times just that much easier.

Music has the power to define our important life moments, and to improve them, which is why we’re writing this post in partnership with HP for their new x360 with Beats Audio — the best tool for listening to music, whether you’re at your desk or on the go. Here are ten life situations everyone goes through, and the music that can inspire you to thrive in them. Getting ready for a date I have a little tradition for getting ready for a date, no matter how casual it is. Here’s your perfect playlist for your next pre-date event: Make sure the songs you pick are (mostly) optimistic or fit whatever you’re hoping to find and then start playing. Leaving home One of the most vivid music memories I have is when I left home for college. Hosting a dinner party Surviving a breakup Breakups suck.

Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. 7 Things That Burn Fat While You Sleep! — Kayla Itsines. How To Maximize Your Productivity Anywhere. Are you in the habit of working on the move? There are ways to do it better. With freelance and entrepreneurial lifestyles taking off in a big way, work is not limited by hours or locations. It’s great if you have the liberty to work anytime, from anywhere. But this can result in a skewed work-life balance unless you optimize your workflow. Here are a few pointers to help you make the best of working on a notebook, no matter where you’re working from. Get Your Setup Right Fiddling with this setting on your notebook or that can cost you a precious chunk of your work time. Pick Your OS & Apps With Care The OS forms the backbone of your device.

Next come the apps that you use for work. There’s no sense in wrangling with an unfriendly app no matter how beautiful it looks or how popular it is. Don’t leave all your work at the mercy of an Internet connection. If you have multiple devices, you have to spend time readjusting to each of them when you switch from one to the other. Fight Distractions. Harness Your Mind's "Future Self" Bias to Make Better Decisions. Food Network - Photos du journal. The Physics of Productivity: Newton's Laws of Getting Stuff Done. How to Survive a Party or Social Gathering as an Introvert. Photos du journal - My room was clean, but then i needed something.... Photos du journal - My room was clean, but then i needed something.... IFC. Photos du journal - My room was clean, but then i needed something.... Tasting Table - Photos du journal.

Hotos de Self Sufficiency Magazine - Self Sufficiency Magazine. Weird and strange laws by state | New Mexico News. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Photos du journal - My room was clean, but then i needed something.... #UnspokenInternetRules | Happy Place Original. Or Almost Done! Choose an available username to complete sign up Forgot Password Enter the email associated with your account and you will be emailed instructions to reset your password A recovery link has been sent to your email. Activation Link Was Emailed There's one last annoying step. Reactivate Account This account has been deactivated or was never activated.

A reactivation link has been sent to your email address. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. EZGaimS - Home of the #1 Games on the planet. Home | odrive. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Can You Answer 10 Geography Questions? Mobile Uploads - 45 Wrap Is The New Black. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. 18 Unexpected Lifehacking Tips To Improve Your Exam Scores. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Battery Doctor - Must-have Battery Management App. DuJour - Photos du journal. 20 Things Women Do That Men Have No Idea AboutRelationship Surgery | Relationship Surgery. Guys believe me, sometimes it is better not to know Unless I am mistaken, men kinda think of girls as these perfect objects that never go to the loo, never sweat and certainly don’t fart. If only men knew all the torture we put ourselves through each and every day just so we can look good. Everything from stabbing ourselves in the eye with a mascara wand when we are in a hurry to running down stairs holding our boobs to stop them wobbling about.

We keep these things secret as they are just plain embarrassing. Here is a list of 20 things women do that men probably and hopefully don’t know about. I am sure there is an even bigger list of things guys keep from girls but I just don’t wanna know. If this rings any bells, please SHARE it with your friends to give them a laugh. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. 6 Exercises for the Incredibly Lazy. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. 45 Very Small Epiphanies That Will Change Your Outlook On Everyday Life. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Disney - Timeline Photos. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine.

The Best Streaming Music Services You Aren't Using (But Should) ChapStick - Photos du journal. Photos du journal - My room was clean, but then i needed something.... *New* Tank- You're My Star Line Dance. The Best Blowjob Is a Popsicle Blowjob. It's finally spring, which means it's time to substitute my pizza and candy bracelet sex toys for something a little more refreshing. Cosmo to the rescue! The tip: "Go down on him with an ice pop in one hand. Take turns sucking on his penis and the ice pop. " The supplies: Popsicles. The good news is you can use any kind of ice cream you'd like, provided it is on a stick. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to do this if you were alternating between your partner's genitals and a bowl of ice cream or a pint of Ben and Jerry's? I purchased mine at the liquor store at the corner and the conversation went like this. Clerk: Ice cream? Me: Yes, yes.

Clerk: A little too hot, if you ask me. Me: (panicking) Well, not that hot! And then I just giggled uncontrollably. The mood: Festive! My partner and I tried this in the middle of the afternoon on a warm day. The dirty talk: "If you quote Frozen, I am going to go to the other room to watch TV," A said before we got down to business. Checkmate. Tori Spelling - Photos du journal. Frugal Girls! - Photos du journal. Disturb Reality. Love Is Forever: A Children’s Book That Helps Kids Deal with Losing a Loved One. By Maria Popova A tender lesson in living with loss from Little Owl. If grief is so gargantuan a struggle even for grownups, how are tiny humans to handle a weight so monumental once it presses down?

That’s precisely what writer Casey Rislov, who holds a master’s degree in elementary education and has an intense interest in special needs, and Minneapolis-based children’s book illustrator Rachel Balsaits explore in Love is Forever (public library) — the story of Little Owl, who loves her Grandfather Owl very much, and how she, with the help of her parents and baby brother, deals with the sadness of her grandfather’s death by learning to keep his love alive forever. In sweet verses and tender illustrations, the story unpacks with elegant simplicity the complexities of loss and presents a refreshing outlier as one of those rare children’s books that go beyond not shying away from darker subjects and actually tackle them head-on. Donating = Loving Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Photos du journal - My room was clean, but then i needed something....

Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Search These Key Phrases to Get the Best Deals on Craigslist. Baylor McLane Stadium Long Tour. Do Enjoy These Cybersexing Tips From 1997 - Sexting. Photos du journal - My room was clean, but then i needed something.... Summarize Any Text Using This Hidden Mac Tool.

Need a quick summary of an article? Your Mac can do that, without the need for extra software – and you’ll find all sorts of OS X features you’ve been overlooking in the process. Summary Service isn’t new to OS X. It’s been around since the early days of OS X, but it’s buried in a menu you probably never look at – the services menu, one of many . Don’t know about the services menu? Yeah, that thing. Summarize Any Text If Summary Service is enabled, using it is simple. You can calibrate, on percentage scale, how much of the text you want to see. The service isn’t perfect at figuring out what information is most important in any given piece of text, but it can be a great place to start if you’re pressed for time. You can read the summarized text right here, if you want, or you can save it for later.

Potential Uses So, what could you actually use this for? But perhaps even more useful is using this tool on your own writing. Enabling Your Mac’s Summary Service You can add a keyboard shortcut. 51 Questions A Girl Asks Herself When Having Really, Really Bad Sex. As great as sex can be… it really f*cking sucks when it’s terrible. We’ve all had that one awful experience that’s stuck with us since the incident occurred. The PTSD is very real. These experiences definitely vary depending on whether you are the male or the female, but one thing stands true for both: Fake it ’til you make it. The faster you want it to be over, the harder you must fake it. Sure, this has damaging repercussions for the other person as he won’t be aware of how terrible the experience is and, as a result, will never realize he needs serious improvement. But guess what? So what is going through our minds while we lie in pain and agony?

1. 2.Do you think I can just lie here? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Photo Courtesy: Tumblr. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. ~Winnie the Pooh | Quotes I love. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Photos du journal - North Pole Behaviour Department.

Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Cosmopolitan - Photos du journal. Cosmopolitan - Photos du journal. Should You Marry Him - 17 Signs You're With The Man You Should Marry. Photos du journal - Cosmopolitan Magazine. Scrubber. M.A.S.H. Calculator: How Much Will My Lifestyle Cost? Prayer: for when you feel discouraged. Make Use Of - Photos du journal.