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How to Knit a Scarf: 12 Steps. CreatiKnit | How to Knit & Purl…and rhymes! These are two basic stitches you’ll learn when first starting out knitting. They are easy and fun, and will form the foundation of all your knitting knowledge! I’ve included 2 videos below for each stitch. Practice them a few times, and you’lll be clicking those needles like you’ve been doing it for years!

Knitting is such a wonderful world with endless possibilities…here’s to your journey! How to Knit: Knitting is a lot like purling, only reversed! You will create a “V” when you knit as shown below. Step 1: “Go through the front door” Step 2: Criss cross your needles, with the right needle to the back.

Step 3: “and around the back” Step 4: Bring right needle under loop & drop loop off left needle. How to Purl: Purling is also very simple to do, & will create a “purl bump” as shown below. Always start with your yarn held to the front when starting a purl. Step 1: “Under the fence” Step 2: “Catch the sheep” Step 3: “Back we come” Step 4: “Off we leap!” Happy Knitting! Back issues.


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