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Baby Shower Games from Baby shower 101 - Baby Shower Game Prizes. Many people have written in, asking what types of baby shower prizes should be given out and what the etiquette is for who receives the prizes.

Baby Shower Games from Baby shower 101 - Baby Shower Game Prizes

We will answer these important questions below: Traditionally, only the mommy-to-be and the person(s) who threw the baby shower would receive gifts and thank you's. Over the years, as baby shower games have become more popular, there are now prizes that are given out to the baby shower participants. The important factor if giving out prizes is that it is not about expensive prizes and gifts as much as something meaningful. Below we have listed our more popular ideas for baby shower prizes: Scented Candles A nice and inexpensive gift for a baby shower prize. Engraved Picture Frame Purchase a nice small picture frame and have it engraved with the date and event for great memories.

Designer Tea or Coffee Everyone loves a little designer caffeine. Stationary Everyone loves paper and extra cards to send out. Buy Me THIS: DIY Manicure Kits! Or rather, MAKE ME THIS!

Buy Me THIS: DIY Manicure Kits!

Got someone with a V-jay-jay to buy for this Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa but you have no idea what to get them? Fret no more L.A. ! Guess what? You CAN do some things yourself to save a little bit of moolah! Get your creative juices flowing! What you’ll need : A one quart smooth Ball Jar (I found mine at Michael’s)Fabric cut up into 6inch squaresRibbon to tie the fabric about 12-13inches (depending if you want to make a bow or not)If you want to get saucy, you can attach a fun flower on top with a glue gun! Visit more yumminess at Have a great night kids! Libby Lu is more of a Libby less of a Lu. Baby Gender Reveal Party Activity Ideas. Hello Blogworld, this is Amber.

Baby Gender Reveal Party Activity Ideas

A few weeks ago, I threw Alisha (my sister) a baby gender reveal party…and now I am sharing tips for how you can throw one, too! Last week, we talked about decorations for your gender reveal party. The week before, we talked about invitations. This week, let’s talk about activities! As I said last week, it was important to me that all my decorations have a purpose beyond beautification….so many of the decorations that you saw actually played a role in the games we played during the party. First of all, I thought it would be nice for guests to have some thing to do while they ate and mingled. The sign is modeled off the invitations and encourages guests to contribute name suggestions into the bowl. Once all the guests had arrived, I gathered them all together in the living room for some games. Guests were encouraged to pass them around, smell them, and even taste them if need be.

And here is how it turned out: 1. Heals: Boy Middle: Girl 2. Chapped: Boy 3. 4. Baby shower 101- Baby Shower Games and Baby Shower Ideas! BABY SHOWER PLANNING Baby Shower Planning, a Step-By-Step Guide to Hosting a Successful Baby Shower Hosting a successful baby shower comes down to planning and organization.

Baby shower 101- Baby Shower Games and Baby Shower Ideas!

The following timeline and step-by-step planning guide will help you organize and prepare a successful baby shower, stay in control during the baby shower party and ensure the mommy-to-be has the time of her life. To print out a Baby Shower Planning Checklist, turn on your printer, click here to bring up the checklist, when the checklist comes up, click the "File --> Print Option" in your browser). Also, for an example of the itinerary on how to plan a baby shower in order of events, click here! If you are planning on going away for the baby shower, here is a great travel checklist to use that also includes if you are traveling with little ones.

Baby shower 101- Baby Shower Games and Baby Shower Ideas! Having a baby shower can be a lot of planning for the baby shower organizer.

Baby shower 101- Baby Shower Games and Baby Shower Ideas!

We have a lot of people writing in and asking us for a standard baby shower itinerary on making it easier to throw the baby shower. It is important to point out that there is no right and wrong order of events. Make sure the mommy to be is the focus and ask her what she would like to see as well. Here are some of our suggestions: My Water Broke Baby Shower Game, Baby Shower Ice Cube Tray Game.