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Virtual Institute Resources. John Gatto Prussian Education. W.I. Thomas: The Prussian-Polish Situation: An Experiment in Assimilation. There is a stage of social organization where solidarity of sentiment and action are more essential to the welfare of the group than ideas. This principle holds in the kinship group of primitive times, in the peasant house-community, and has its more absolute expression in animal colonies and gregarious groups. Now these are the laws of the Jungle, and many and mighty are they; But the head and the hoof of the Law and the haunch and the hump is -- Obey! The principle of primary or face-to-face relations, which Professor Cooley has made so useful to all of us, is one on which a society may best preserve its life so long as it can preserve a degree of isolation. . (625) is pushing back the Prussian, the Ruthenian is pushing back the Pole in Galicia, the Lithuanian is beginning to make headway against the Pole also at another point, and the Italian in Austria is pushing back the German.

Now, I believe we all recognize that there are no races in Europe, properly speaking. Francis Galton: Eugenicist. John Gatto Prussian Education. The Prussian (German) Educational System | Fox Enterprises Limited Weblog. Posted on 11/05/1999 05:37:17 PST by majordomo original post can be found here After the defeat of the Prussians (Germans) by Napoleon at the battle of Jena in 1806, it was decided that the reason why the battle was lost was that the Prussian soldiers were thinking for themselves on the battlefield instead of following orders.

The Prussian philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814), described by many as a philosopher and a transcendental idealist, wrote “Addresses to the German Nation” between 1807 and 1808, which promoted the state as a necessary instrument of social and moral progress. He taught at the University of Berlin from 1810 to his death in 1814. His concept of the state and of the ultimate moral nature of society directly influenced both Von Schelling and Hegel, who took an similarly idealistic view. The educational system was divided into three groups. The elite of Prussian society were seen as comprising .5% of the society. This was the plan. Like this: Like Loading... John Taylor Gatto - State Controlled Consciousness. Text: Schooling is a form of adoption. You give your kid up in his or her most plastic years to a group of strangers. You accept a promise, sometimes stated and more often implied that the state through its agents knows better how to raise your children and educate them than you, your neighbors, your grandparents, your local traditions do.

And that your kid will be better off so adopted. But by the time the child returns to the family, or has the option of doing that, very few want to. Their parents are some form of friendly stranger too and why not? Now let's look at the strangers of which you (interviewer) was one and I was one. So what we do is accept and if we don't accept this we are fired or harrassed, we accept the state's prescription that's written in manuals. If your kids do badly, it does not mean that they're bad readers or anything else. This was ALL worked out. Well, that's exactly what Horace, the Roman essayist, talked about in several of his essays. Intro. Contents Introduction xix 1 Why We Must Disestablish School 1 2 Phenomenology of School 25 3 Ritualization of Progress 34 4 Institutional Spectrum 52 5 Irrational Consistencies 65 6 Learning Webs 72 7 Rebirth of Epimethean Man 105 Introduction I owe my interest in public education to Everett Reimer.

Since 1967 Reimer and I have met regularly at the Center for Intercultural Documentation (CIDOC) in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Universal education through schooling is not feasible. Xx DESCHOOLING SOCIETY and caring. On Wednesday mornings, during the spring and summer of 1970, I submitted the various parts of this book to the participants in our CIDOC programs in Cuernavaca. Reimer and I have decided to publish separate views of our joint research. Cuernavaca, Mexico November, 1970.