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How to Prepare for Your First Job Interview - Career Advice Article. 6 Key Steps in Job Interview Prep. At an interview last month for an associate position at a major consulting firm, one candidate reports whipping through a marathon afternoon session and being asked about a business case with "very little time to organize a response. " A different candidate reports having interviewed in January for an associate position at the same consulting firm and being questioned largely on experience. Both candidates said they got, and accepted, offers from the company—and the latter offered a bit of advice to others interviewing for the position: "If you are friendly, warm, and knowledgeable, then things ought to go well. " These firsthand accounts of interviewing experiences from may offer job seekers some of the more useful insights into the abyss of the interview process. Here are key steps to preparing for a job interview: Research the people: It's important to know what the company does, but it may be even more important to know who you'll be talking to once you get there.

Interview Preparation articles, Interviewing resources. Job interviews can be stressful, especially if you’re nervous about making mistakes. Here are five of the most common ones and some tips for steering clear of them. Your carefully crafted resume got your foot in the door, and you nailed the interview. Don’t mess up your chances of getting hired by making these common mistakes with your references. You’ve come a long way in your job search and you can practically feel that offer letter in your hands. You just need your references to confirm you’re the right person for the job.

It’s time to learn some of the things you must avoid in an interview to ensure the interviewer doesn’t end up hating you by the end of it. Make sure you put as much effort into practicing for an interview as in landing one. Many job seekers get too comfortable at the interview, especially when they think the job is theirs. It may not be as stressful as an in-person interview, but you can still prepare for a phone interview using these five helpful tips. Career Advice Article: Interview Preparation – Top Ten. Interview Preparation.

This article describes how to prepare yourself for the Job Interview. The interview is one of the most important elements in the job search process. When an employer invites you to an interview, he/she is indicating an interest in bringing you on board. The interview gives both of you the opportunity to exchange enough information to determine if you are a good "fit" for each other. Think of an interview as a highly focused professional conversation. You should use the limited amount of time you have to learn about an employer's needs and discuss the ways you can meet these needs. The job interview is a strategic conversation with a purpose. Most employers do not hire people based on merit alone. After your cover letter and résumé, the interview is your best opportunity to wow the employer-regardless of your background and experience.

Research It is to your advantage to carefully research the job and the organization. Practice, practice, practice Find out the logistics of the interview.