(59) SeeSaw Lesson Tutorial. (878) Tutorial: Using Google Slides New Q&As & Laser Pointer. 5 Technology Documentaries Streaming Now | NOVA. Hello, NOVA fans! We understand that many of you may be spending more quality time at home than usual. And, as schools across the country remain closed, fostering student learning at home is a top priority. In the upcoming weeks, we’ll be sharing collections of some of our favorite NOVA films—all organized by subject to make bingeing, learning, and entertainment as easy as possible for science lovers of all ages. Have you ever wondered about the ethics of genetic engineering or considered whether autonomous vehicles will someday take over our roads? Get ready: The subject of this collection is “Technology.” Decoding da Vinci (2019) Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance genius. Rise of the Rockets (2019) Rockets are becoming cheaper and more powerful than ever before thanks to stunning new technologies.
Look Who's Driving (2019) After years of anticipation, autonomous vehicles are now being tested on public roads around the world. NOVA Wonders: Can We Make Life? "It's alive! " 9 free computer science classes you can get a certificate for taking. Age-by-age guide to the best educational apps for kids. Allowing your kids more screen time can feel like a necessity during social isolation.
Here's a list of educational apps they're sure to love. We all know too much screen time isn’t the best idea for kids. However, in these difficult quaran-times stuck at home, you may be willing to be a bit lax on the limits. If the kids are going to be glued to the iPad anyways, you might as well have them learning something, so here’s a list of educational apps that are great for each age range. Preschool Sago Mini World Travel with Harvey, Jinja, Robin and Jack as you explore space, fly through a forest, build a robot, design a monster, drive a firetruck, deep-sea dive, become a superhero, visit your friends and more—all in one whimsical world. Khan Academy Kids A cast of adorable animal characters will guide children through lessons, and our adaptive learning path will customize their experience to help them master different skills. Montessori Preschool Papumba: Preschool ABC Games Accelerating Young Minds.
Arts & Culture. Challenge Cards. During Coronavirus, a Teacher Describes the Scramble to Go Digital. At the end of school two days ago, I heard students talking excitedly in the hall outside my classroom. Our school near New York City, in Bergen County, New Jersey, was closing for the next 10 days due to precautions surrounding COVID-19—the coronavirus. Though we learned officially from the district an hour later, the students had picked up the news before us via local TV and social media feeds on their phones. As the announcement spilled out among staff, teachers gathered briefly, concerned that someone had been stricken with the virus—no one had, but someone died in our county—then rushed off to gather the hardware we’d need to use from our new home offices.
Earlier in the day, my students told me that their biology teachers were saying we’d be out for the rest of the year. I expressed skepticism, but now I’m not so sure. My phone buzzes by the minute with news of canceled events. In some ways, the announcement at my school is a relief. “Will the school dance still happen?” FAQ for the National Emergency Library. Going Online in a Hurry: What to Do and Where to Start. How to Create Self-Grading Quizzes in Google Classroom. Google Forms is a fantastic tools for making self-grading assessment for students. Google Classroom is a wonderful way to assign and collect work from students. Wouldn't it be great to put these two great tools together? Well, just like the peanut butter and chocolate in a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, Google Forms and Google Classroom work together perfectly to make it easier than ever to create, distribute, and grade assessments in schools.
When you create a quiz through Classroom, many of the needed settings in Google Forms are automatically taken care of for you, there's no need to worry about copying the correct link for the quiz, and the student grades are easily imported right into your Classroom grade book! See below for a quick 8-minute video that will show you everything you need to know for creating quizzes in Classroom. Tutorial Video (8 minutes) Note: See all of my Google Classroom help videos here: Webinar (1 hour) BONUS: For Math and Science. How to use Zoom like a pro: 13 hidden features to try at your next meeting.
The Zoom video meeting and chat app has become the wildly popular host to millions of people working and studying from home during the coronavirus pandemic. While the video chat service's rapid growth has led to the reveal of a number of privacy and security issues, there are some ways to protect your account and your chats from Zoombombing and other privacy flaws. Whether you've been using Zoom for years or have only just signed up, there are a number of helpful and fun tips, tricks and hidden features you can find to upgrade your video chatting experience and make your video meetings a little less weird.
Here are 13 ways to become a Zoom master. Read more: Ultimate webcam tips: How to look and sound great online 1. Virtually transport yourself to the beach, outer space or anywhere else you can imagine by customizing your background while on Zoom calls -- everyone's doing it these days. Read more: 10 free Zoom alternative apps for video chats Keep track of the coronavirus pandemic. 2. 3. Listen to Hundreds of Free Audiobooks, From Classics to Educational Texts | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine. With classrooms closed due to COVID-19, millions of students across the United States are venturing into the realm of distance learning. To support these efforts, Amazon’s audiobook service, Audible, has launched an online collection of hundreds of free audiobooks primed for both education and entertainment. The website doesn’t require a log-in, sign-up or payment information. To peruse Audible’s selection of novels, poetry and fables—from classics to modern favorites—simply click “Start Listening.”
“As the world grapples with new challenges, Audible’s younger listeners in particular have an immediate need,” Audible CEO Bob Carrigan tells Daryl Austin of Business Insider. “Our intent is that Stories will offer parents, educators, and caregivers a screen-free experience to look forward to each day, while keeping young minds engaged.” The books in Audible Stories are categorized by age group, from “Littlest Listeners” to “Tween” and “Teen.” MoMA Is Offering Free Online Courses for Art Lovers | Travel + Leisure. Moodle. Projects - Teachers’ Guide to Global Collaboration. Remotelearning Archives. Resources For Teaching and Learning During This Period of Social Distancing - MindShift. Leaders can best serve their schools and districts by prioritizing mental health over curricular efficiency. The anxiety produced by the evolving crisis is compounded with teachers who may now have their own children to care for at home, ill family members, the stress of managing household resources to comply with social distancing measures, or they may fall ill themselves.
This is the context in which some teachers are asked to quickly redeploy their classes. Ideally, they will be granted sufficient time to organize their lives and reconfigure their classes before resuming teaching. It is also important for administrators to actively check-in with teachers to maintain personalized communication and take the pulse on how to best provide support. Likewise, teachers should try to maintain personal connections with their students, which can be a challenge when mitigated by the Internet. Most importantly, be kind and forgiving of yourself and your students. Leverage the Power of Community. Resources that Support Distance Learning - Health Services & School Nursing. It is important that LEAs leverage their existing distance learning technology platforms as they transition to distance learning environments for the coming weeks and months. This will speed the transition time for both educators and students to be able to engage virtually.
If these systems are already in use, administrators and teachers should communicate directly with families to articulate the ways the existing system(s) will support distance learning. If these or similar resources are not in use already, the list of available resources below will provide educators with options for creating a foundation for communication, sharing, and digital learning.
Below is a table of contents to navigate these resources effectively. 1. Online Engagement Systems and Platforms A curated list of resources that will support educators and students transition to digital spaces to communicate with students, develop content, and manage student progress 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. English Language Arts Mathematics 7. 8. Seesaw Icon Shortcuts.
Strategies Schools Can Use To Become More Trauma-Informed | KQED. Many teachers are working to modify their classrooms and schools to offer a more supportive environment for students who have experienced trauma in their lives. They're taking heed of research showing that adverse childhood experiences like poverty, neglect, and exposure to violence affect children's brains and may have a negative impact on learning and behavior. "For me being trauma-informed has so much to do with mindset, accepting that different people come into a school setting with incredibly varied life experiences," said Lindsey Minder, a second grade teacher profiled in an Edutopia video introducing trauma-informed practices.
"Some of those life experiences may be traumatic. And the way in which that plays out in my particular classroom could look a number of ways. While dealing with all the issues kids bring to school can be overwhelming for teachers, the upside is that they are well positioned to make a big impact on students' lives. Students won't get through all school content while learning at home: here are 3 things to prioritise. As children learn from home, parents are effectively running two schedules – work and school. Some children may not be able to get through all the work their school assigns in the time they have, which can leave parents feeling guilty. It’s important for parents to note they are not replacement teachers, nor is it possible to hold down a full time job while helping their children learn full time. Something’s got to give. These are unusual times and schools themselves don’t expect children to cover all the content they provide, especially when it comes to children in primary school.
In a newsletter to parents the principal of Bondi Public school said Some days your children will submit outstanding work and other days they will submit nothing at all. There’s more to learning than content There is much more to education than just getting through content. What education provides is the skills to be able to pick up content, or catch up on it when need be. 1. Also, tell your children stories. 2. TBC: Read Watch Learn. The best free online learning resources for students. The best free online learning resources for students. The One World Schoolhouse by Salman Khan — A Review | The Quad Magazine. The Scramble to Move America's Schools Online. These courses will sharpen your skills in Adobe's graphic design tools. Graphic design skills are useful for professionals and hobbyists alike.
So whether you’re looking to boost your earning potential, or just make better use of your digital creative tools, this trio of courses in three top Adobe creative apps will give you the skills you seek. The 2020 Adobe Graphic Design Certification School covers Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. And the whole thing is available at a small fraction of the usual cost. Whether you’re into photography, digital illustration or publishing — or, more than likely, all three — these courses will give you the skills you need to kick butt with these industry-standard apps.
In Photoshop, you’ll learn all aspects of the photo-editing process, from importing source files to producing publish-ready images. Buy now: Sign up for the 2020 Adobe Graphic Design Certification School for $49. Tips and Tricks for Teachers Educating on Zoom. Tumblemath. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.Learn more Dismiss Menu prev next New Books Sir Cumference Books! TumbleMath Favorites MathStart Math is CATegorical! Math Manga Math Matters! Mouse Math! Cloverleaf Books Rosen Math Books! Coming Soon © 2020 TumbleMath Terms of Use Privacy Statement Cookies Policy Contact Us. What Teachers in China Have Learned in the Past Month.
Since February 17, I’ve been teaching 11th-grade humanities writing to students who are self-quarantined in China. Our teachers were in the same position several weeks ago that U.S. teachers are in now—we were expecting to teach in classrooms in Beijing. Now we’re teaching virtual classes remotely from our homes in China and countries around the world. We had about half a week to prepare for online school, including setting up a digital platform that none of us had ever used before. For the first few weeks, we needed to be very flexible and patient. Everything we would have done in person took longer virtually as we learned to navigate online learning. Since our students have stopped physically attending school, their Chinese classes happen in real time following the regular schedule, using a Chinese app. Here is some of what we’ve learned so far about teaching students who must stay home. Asynchronous Teaching It’s Not All About Screens Teacher Office Hours Tech Support Involve Families.