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Flipped Professional Development. The last session for the day I am attending is the Flipped Professional Development by Ryan Eash of TechSmith. You can check out his slides here. He shared with us a brief video, highlighting a Flipped Professional Development Model: It discusses the issue that is prevalent in Ed Tech PD – that people are on very different levels and scales. This format (the flipped model) allowed for multiple EdTech teachers to accommodate different needs and levels. It was a popular method among the faculty as it allowed for greater flexibility and leveling. In order to make a model like this work, you need to have enough instructional technology administrators to effectively provide support for your full staff. Via brookscl and Flickr We talk about the good and bad of professional development practices: not having a supportive infrastructure and lack of directionality (how do I put this in my classroom?)

“What is the best use of classroom time with your students?” “How does video help with PD?” Like this: