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Tornadoes in General

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Chasing Tornadoes. The capricious nature of tornadoes, coupled with the devastating damage they leave in their wake, has made their study a priority.

Chasing Tornadoes

Storm-chasing meteorologists spend months scanning the skies and reading output from weather radar systems in search of conditions that coincide with tornadoes. They are lucky if they see two per season. Still, their tireless effort has yielded our best understanding yet of the atmospheric conditions that give rise to the most violent of all weather events. Tornadoes & Thunderstorms. Tornado at Air Force Base‬‏ Inside a Tornado‬‏ Run Over By A Tornado. Tornadoes and Lightning ‬‏ See Inside a Tornado‬‏ Roof Lifted from House‏ Monster Tornado Destroys in Seconds. Huge Manitoba Tornado‬‏