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Image Result for. Research Paradigms:Ontology's, Epistemologies & Methods. Supervision. Methodology Self-Learning Manual.pdf. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques - C. R. Kothari. The Meaning(s) of Teacher Leadership in an Urban High School Reform. Education Administration Quarterly legitimized roles, institutionally legitimized content area expertise, and gen-dered leadership roles.

The Meaning(s) of Teacher Leadership in an Urban High School Reform

Significance: Because leadership is a cultural con-struct itself, this study brings to the foreground the meaning(s) of teacherleadership from teachers’ perspectives and how these meanings reward oreclipse actual leadership practices. This is especially salient for researchersand leaders interested in the role of teacher leadership in nurturing democraticschool communities. Leadership. Theories[edit] Early western history[edit] The trait theory was explored at length in a number of works in the 19th century.


Most notable are the writings of Thomas Carlyle and Francis Galton, whose works have prompted decades of research.[4] In Heroes and Hero Worship (1841), Carlyle identified the talents, skills, and physical characteristics of men who rose to power. In Galton's Hereditary Genius (1869), he examined leadership qualities in the families of powerful men. Lewin's Leadership Styles: The Three Major Leadership Styles. By Kendra Cherry Updated December 03, 2015.

Lewin's Leadership Styles: The Three Major Leadership Styles

A leadership style refers to a leader's characteristic behaviors when directing, motivating, guiding and managing groups of people. Great leaders can inspire political movements and social change. They can also motivate others to perform, create and innovate.

Transformational Leadership

Democratic Leadership. Awareness Based Colective Action. Collaborative Leadership. Distributed Leadership. Dialogue in Schools.