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10 top writing tips and the psychology behind them - without bullshit. 10 tips for editing video in a thoughtful, compelling way. By Kari Mulholland One of TED’s video editors, Kari Mulholland, hard at work. Below, her editing advice. Photo: Biljana Labovic The techniques that video editors use to shape their content reveal a lot about how people create meaning in the world. Editors have a deep understanding of how people think, feel, remember and learn, and we use this knowledge to build powerful, moving stories and experiences. The best editing decisions come from empathy — both for the people who exist virtually on the screen and for the audience watching them. The TED Talk editing toolkit is small when compared to ones used to cut a narrative feature or documentary. Now, compare that to the same excerpt edited competently. What made the first excerpt so uncomfortable to watch was that the edits were unmotivated; every edit was random.

Choose the best camera angles for each moment. Now the “um” is edited out, by cutting between two shots during an action-filled moment. Take some space from your edit. Charles Bukowski on Writing and His Crazy Daily Routine. Andrew Stanton: The clues to a great story. Zadie Smith’s 10 Rules of Writing. Several Short Sentences About Writing. Improve Your Writing with This Periodic Table of the Figures of Speech. Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks | Talk Video.

How to Write with Substance and Improve Your Communication.