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Tumblr. #SMECom Presentation. Broadcast Yourself. 26 Charities and Non-Profits on Twitter. Lon S.

26 Charities and Non-Profits on Twitter

Cohen is a writer and Director of Communications at @ALSofGNY. He is @obilon on Twitter. What is it about social media people that make them just so darn generous? Every day I read my Twitter stream and come across one or two people who are creating awareness or trying to raise money to help one cause or another. Step back and you can certainly see how it makes sense. The Social TV Experience with #AKASocialTV « kcdamore. It’s always fun when you can combine two topics you like and get class credit for it.

The Social TV Experience with #AKASocialTV « kcdamore

In this case, it was for DR4WARD‘s class- we were given the opportunity to teach the class about a developing topic of social media. Our group of four picked a topic that came relatively easy to us – Social TV. It’s perhaps the most intuitive idea in all of social media – combining social networks with television. #AKASocialTV. Conan O'Brien Buys Mashable, Ousts Pete Cashmore as CEO. Hello, fellow Mashables.

Conan O'Brien Buys Mashable, Ousts Pete Cashmore as CEO

It’s Conan O’Brien, and I’ve got big news. The new second screen generation in a single photo. Social TV investment not matching opportunity? Shitter Prints Your Twitter Feeds On Toilet Paper. Chyron debuts platform for social TV and second screen. Is social media harming our mental health, researchers wonder? By Vito Pilieci A couple of months ago, Marisa Murray stepped out to grab a bite to eat with a friend.

Is social media harming our mental health, researchers wonder?

The restaurant they chose was busy, and the table they sat at was shoehorned between two large families. They didn’t mind, but as Murray settled in, she found herself paying more attention to the people at the tables beside her than the person at her own. Social Networking, Pop Culture, Entertainment, Tech, and Political News from 7Live. Database Error. The future is something that frightens some people and excites others.

Database Error

Some people wake up every morning with dread and others leap out of bed excited to face the day and all it holds. Some industries are growing and others are are in decline. The only thing we are sure of is change itself. Different groups embrace the challenge, others run or hide. The media industry is in upheaval as media rich blogs like Huffington Post receive 35 million visitors a month, while 24 of the 25 top newspapers are in decline. How social media users multitask while watching TV. 20 TV Shows With the Most Social Media Buzz This Week.

Since the March Madness college basketball tournament began last week, social media has dribbled and rebounded right along with it.

20 TV Shows With the Most Social Media Buzz This Week

Four NCAA games slam dunked their way onto our social TV chart. The game that generated the most social media chatter? Duke vs. Twitter Dominates Social TV Landscape. Twitter was less influential on cable, although it remained the leader with 64% of activity, followed by Facebook (23%) and GetGlue (13%).

Twitter Dominates Social TV Landscape

Series Get Most Tweets, but Sports Fans Most Active Meanwhile, according to SocialGuide Intelligence data, as reported by Adweek, TV series drive the most Twitter comments about TV, although sports events also see a large share. Looking at tweets related to 213 channels over a 2-day period, SocialGuide found that series represented more than half of comments, although sports events accounted for 37%, even though they represented just 3% of program volume.

When Facebook Pokes Get Physical. Facebook Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg may have invented poking online, but another invention translates the poke into a physical alert.

When Facebook Pokes Get Physical

Jasper van Loenen and Bartholomäus Traubeck demonstrated a device that does just that for The Next Web, the Poking Machine, explaining their motivation, aside from clearly having too much time on their hands: Online social networks are platforms for communication, enabling us to connect anywhere we go. Social network passwords sought from job seekers. Job interviews used to mean handing over your resume.

Social network passwords sought from job seekers

But these days, some prospective employers are asking applicants to hand over their Facebook and Twitter passwords, so they can see what their potential employees are really doing online. But is it legal to even obtain that information? It's not, according to Jeffrey Hancock, assistant professor of Communication and chairman of the Information Science Department at Cornell University. Ford Evos, the Social Networking Vehicle of the Future [PICS] Social networkers, Ford has created a car just for you.

Ford Evos, the Social Networking Vehicle of the Future [PICS]

The Ford Evos plug-in hybrid concept vehicle is so smart, it can socially network with its driver's friends and recommend roads and routes that might be quickest or the most fun to drive. The vehicle's designers want the car to always be connected to the cloud, which will allow it to know the driver's work schedule, constantly keep tabs on traffic and weather conditions, and assist and monitor the driver in an attempt to "enable a seamless lifestyle between home, office and car linked by access to the driver’s personal information.

" This sporty four-seat concept car was first rolled out in Germany this week. The Evos will debut at the 2011 Frankfurt Motor Show in September. According to Ford, the vehicle gives its driver the ability to tap into this "personal cloud" of information at any time — for example, picking up where the driver left off on that favorite song he or she was listening to inside the house. Kcdamore. What Were The Global Design Trends Of 2011. Curated Resources for Sound / Music. DR4WARD.