Comparative Antenna Analysis with WSPR. By Dr.
Carol F. Milazzo, KP4MD (posted 13 January 2011) E-mail: Presented with Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN at the River City Amateur Radio Communication Society meeting Sacramento, California, March 1, 2011. The Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network is an open worldwide network of amateur radio stations using the WSPR mode conceived by Dr. Joseph Taylor, K1JT. The station was in an urban location in the Sacramento, California area, 40 m from a major thoroughfare and 200 m from a nearby commercial center. Radio propagation - Radio - Introduction. Radio - Propagation A worldwide system of transmitters exists, dedicated to the measurement of the ionosphere.
The system is very useful for the prediction or analysis of radio propagation conditions, but is also an indicator for the changing global ecological situation. WG7J's GridMapper v1.6.8 - Hamradio QSO Grid Mapper and FFMA Grid Tracker. /public/ Propagation. HFU HF Underground - Index. Operating Information. Updated 12 June 2020 New Kiwi owners: Be sure to initially give your Kiwi a connection to the Internet and let it update to the latest software release.
This process can take up to 30 minutes. If you're using the software installed by the factory (v1.2) you may not hear audio due to recent browser changes preventing the autoplay of audio and video. This is especially true with Firefox. Ionogram Information. Unless otherwise stated, all originally authored software on this site is licensed under the terms of GNU GPL version 3.
This static web site has no backend database. Hence, no personal data is collected and GDPR compliance is met. Moreover, this domain does not set any first party cookies. All Google ads shown on this web site are, irrespective of your location, restricted in data processing to meet compliance with the CCPA and GDPR. However, Google AdSense may set third party cookies for traffic analysis and use JavaScript to obtain a unique set of browser data. On-Line HF Propagation Prediction. HF propagation prediction is a statistical science.
The maximum usable frequency (MUF) is the highest frequency that, with a probability of 50% of the time, can be used for radio communication between two points at a specified distance (but not necessary in all directions) via refraction by the ionosphere.The optimum working frequency (OWF) is the highest frequency that, with a probability of 90% of the time, can be used for radio communication between two points at a specified distance (but not necessary in all directions) via refraction by the ionosphere. It can be estimated as: . Furthermore, when a sporadic E layer is present, its maximum usable frequency relates to its ordinary critical frequency approximatively as follows:2.
Propagation Data and Tools. HF Underground Message Board - HF Underground Wiki - Radio Hobbyist Blog - DX ToolBox - MultiMode OSX - Sound Byte Blog AtmosFEAR Regular (non space) Weather discussions Current UTC time and date: 1118 31-05-2020 Dashboard X-Ray Flux These graphs show the solar x-ray flux levels for the past three days, as well as the past six hours.
QSO/SWL real time maps and lists. <b><span> You are missing the navigation menus and other features of this site because you have Javascript disabled in your browser.
<a href="/enable_javascript.html">Please enable it. </a></span></b> NEW Version 3.1 of Proplab-Pro HF Radio Propagation Laboratory – Solar Terrestrial Dispatch. New Version 3.1 is Now Available for Windows 10!
Proplab-Pro was one of the first ionospheric physics-based HF radio signal ray-tracing engines in the world for the PC, and has been maintained and developed for over 20 years. It continues to be used by research organizations, scientists, engineers, students, the military and amateur radio operators around the world. It is one of the only software packages to reliably predict ionospherically refracted HF radio signal behavior. It uses both three dimensional models of the ionosphere as well as three dimensional topographical data of the Earth to provide unprecedented detail in modeling HF radio signal propagation worldwide. Software Define Radio, Ham Radio. International Beacon Project Beacon Controller. Most of the hardware for each beacon is standard commercial equipment, but the beacon controller is specially designed.
The beacon controller includes an Intel 8748 microprocessor, so to understand how the beacon controller works, you may need to look at both the hardware and the software for the microprocessor. Both were designed by Bob Fabry, N6EK. It is improbable that anyone else would want to duplicate the beacon controller exactly. Substantial parts of the design deal with the precise timing of the transmissions needed for rapid frequency sharing and with the power stepping. If you don't want to do both, a simpler controller will suffice. Nevertheless, there has been a fair amount of interest in how the NCDXF beacon controller actually works, so we are including here the schematic and the source code. NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center.
Skip to main content NOAA Scales mini none Current Space Weather Conditions on NOAA Scales.
Online HF Predictions. Earthquakes Prediction: 9 Methods to Predict Earthquake. 9 Methods to Predict Earthquake are 1. Unusual Animal Behaviour, 2. RBN activity of DJ1YFK. Hours (in 365 days) with at least one RBN spot: 1295 (3.5h / day). EU: 1291, NA: 281, AS: 83, SA: 1, AF: 55, OC: 11. Rank: 155 Daily activity is measured by the number of active hour slots (24) times band slots (10, 160m - 10m incl. WARC and 60m) and the number of continents in which a skimmer spotted the station in the respective hour, for a maximum daily score of 24 * (10 + 6) = 384. Sun & moon times today, Washington DC, USA. GeoLocator - swiss army knife of georeferencing & geotagging.
GPS Coordinate Converter, Maps and Info. KerberosSDR - 4x Coherent RTL-SDR. KerberosSDR Quickstart Guide. LOCAL RF-PROPAGATION – LIVE! – NORTH SHORE AMATEUR RADIO CLUB. The “Scanning RF Seismograph” is a real-time propagation tool developed by the MDSR Team and Alex VE7DXW. Alex is a member of NSARC. SWS - Radio and Space Services. Online Rec. P.533-13 Propagation Prediction Tool. Great Circle Maps By SM3GSJ. Welcome to my Homepage! New hosting at! Update your bookmarks! N9SSA MPW Calculator V2.5. Home Page. DXplorer. Maidenhead Locator System. The Maidenhead Locator System is a geographic co-ordinate system used by amateur radio operators.
Dr. John Morris, G4ANB, originally devised the system, and a group of VHF managers, meeting in Maidenhead, England in 1980, adopted it. The Maidenhead Locator System replaces the older QRA locator system with one that is usable outside Europe.[1] Maidenhead locators are also commonly referred to as QTH Locator, grid locators or grid squares, despite having a non-square shape on any non-equirectangular cartographic projection.
HF Propagation and Solar-Terrestrial Data Website. PSK Reporter. Find Maidenhead locator or QTH grid square.