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Introducing Your Business? A Business ESL Role-play. Class Set-up and Activity: Set up the class like 'airplane seating' with two rows of chairs side by side.

Introducing Your Business? A Business ESL Role-play

Give everybody an activity sheet and a business profile. Give the students time to read the business profiles and the dialogue in the activity sheet. Have You Finished That Report? Business English and ESL Worksheets and Activities. Job Skills and Qualifications: A one-hour information gap activity where students interview each other about their skills and qualifications.

Business English and ESL Worksheets and Activities

This business English information gap activity covers a lot of useful vocabulary for working environments, yet grammatically it should not be too challenging for even beginner/intermediate classes. Job Fair: A one hour job fair role-play where students are divided into employers and job seekers. The job seekers will go from employer to employer asking about job benefits and the employers in turn will ask about job qualifications. Breaking News English Lesson Plans - Business English Lessons. How to Market an Invention: 15 Steps. Edit Article Edited by Tipsy, HarleyQ11, Maluniu, Adelaide Create a comprehensive, cost-effective marketing plan for your new invention to let customers know who you are and what your invention has to offer.

How to Market an Invention: 15 Steps

The inventor should know the marketplace, have the ability to demonstrate the invention and explain the value of the product. Games & Activities for the ESL/EFL Classroom. This is a place were English teachers can share games and activities that they have found useful in the classroom.

Games & Activities for the ESL/EFL Classroom

If you know a game or an activity that works well with ESL/EFL students and it is not yet listed here, please submit it. Home | Articles | Lessons | Techniques | Questions | Games | Jokes | Things for Teachers | Links | Activities for ESL Students Number of Submissions: 132 The newest addition is at the top of the page. 975 FREE ESL Songs For Teaching English Worksheets. Music can be a great way to connect with your students.

975 FREE ESL Songs For Teaching English Worksheets

Even students who aren’t fluent in English often know the words of popular songs phonetically, which makes these songs ideal resources for teaching your students certain forms of grammar, as well as vocabulary. Many students are happy to work with the unusual phrasing of song lyrics, because they’re learning new meanings for a piece of music that already has meaning in their lives. You might never have noticed it before, but many songs’ lyrics involve just one single tense - which means that as soon as you find a song that contains the tense you want to teach, you’ve got the makings of an exercise that your students will love. ESL Lounge: Songs for English Teaching. Song Titles A to B. Front Page Home Premium Site Guides Levels Test Prep.

ESL Lounge: Songs for English Teaching. Song Titles A to B

Acquiring Vocabulary Through Story-Songs. The Effects of Music Upon Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition (ERIC) Sing, Sang, Sung, Singing Irregular Verbs. Using Music and Songs to Teach English Speaking Skills. Using Music to Enhance Second Language Acquisition - From Theory to Practice. Teaching English with the Help of Songs. Learning English With Music - Articles. By: Nina Feric | Audience: Teachers | Category: Learning English Introduction Throughout the centuries, experts in different fields - philosophers, scientists, teachers and therapists have recognized the place of music for therapeutic and developmental functions.

Learning English With Music - Articles

Over the last two decades, researches have made great advances in the theory of foreign language acquisition. Many find the didactic conjoining of language and music surprisingly convincing as there are numerous historical and developmental proofs of music's relationship with language learning. Language and music are the two ways that human beings use to communicate and express themselves through sound. Studying profound and intense relations between language and music throughout history, we are bound arrive to the Greeks. Discourse intonation, the ordering of pitched sounds made by a human voice, is the first thing we learn when we are acquiring a language. Using Music and Songs to Teach English Speaking Skills. Using Songs to Teach English Writing. Free online EFL / ESL Listening exercises: songs.

You’re Beautiful – Literal Music Video Describing Actions, People, Prepositions, Movement and James Blunt. A designer lessons ESL lesson plan developed by George Chilton.

You’re Beautiful – Literal Music Video Describing Actions, People, Prepositions, Movement and James Blunt.

How to Use Popular Music to Teach ESL. Mondos: Song Lessons. Do You Hear What I Hear? 8 Activities to Improve Listening Skills. Index page for speaking practice. Sean Banville's Websites, Lesson Plans, Handouts, Worksheets. How to Optimize Your Blog for Monetization. How to Deliver a TED Talk. Watching the phenomenal performance of the world champion of public speaking was amazing.

How to Deliver a TED Talk

Getting to know him on a personal level inspired me to give a TED Talk. As a TED fanatic and speaker, I often find myself analyzing the different presentation styles, techniques, and idiosyncrasies each speaker brings to his/her speech. In June’s edition of Harvard Business Review, Chris Anderson, TED’s curator, shares five key to great presentation. 1. Frame Your Story According to Anderson, conceptualizing and framing is the most vital part of the preparation. TED talkers also restrain their desire and urge to cover all the ground – you simply cannot summarize your entire book or product within 18 minutes. 2.

Anderson simply says, “Don’t read and never use the teleprompter.” For instance Jill Bolte Taylor, a brain researcher who had suffered a stroke, shared her story on how she recovered for the next eight years. 3. Many of TED talkers aren’t professional presenters. Also make eye contact. Post-CELTA professional development: Dogme materials. Can you believe it?

Post-CELTA professional development: Dogme materials

We’re now on part nine of this series of posts looking at your early career as a language teacher and how to make the most of this time. As ever, we’ll continue where I left off in the first eight posts by examining common problems for newly qualified language teachers. In the previous posts, I’ve looked at dealing with time constraints, how to find professional development opportunities, how to approach lesson planning, how to make sure your first teaching job experience isn’t a bad one, some advice on how to get through your first observed lesson, a discussion on the multifaceted layers of a good lesson, some thoughts on how we can move beyond methods, a provocative post titled ‘the great TEFL lie‘, as well as the most recent one, which looked at how people make the class what it is.

CELTA tip: the language skills assignment. I think the language skills topic on the CELTA is incredibly useful. As someone who rarely uses textbooks, I’m always searching for authentic reading and listening materials to use in class. Topic 3 on the CELTA gave me a solid overview of how to plan a receptive skills lesson, and the basics I learnt from this module still underpin my practice. I’ve written an overview of the assignment and a few tips below.

Here is a copy of my assignment, and here is a link to the authentic text on the BBC website. What do I have to do? Basically this, as the CELTA syllabus states: That’s a snippet from the CELTA handbook. So, you have to prove you can do all of the above in a written assignment. CELTA tip: language analysis assignment. The language analysis assignment is quite straightforward. 10 Tips for Lesson Observations. Little tips from CELTA training that go a long way. When you undertake a 1-month intensive CELTA course it’s near impossible to absorb all the information you’re given. You have to prioritise, and that means getting the basics right. Staging a lesson, introducing new language effectively, anticipating problems, that type of thing. 10 Recommended Books for the CELTA Course. It has been a number years since I took the CELTA Course, at least seven years since I actually completed the course at the British Council Seoul.

It was a wonderful opportunity to meet other Native English Speaker Teachers (NESTS) and Non-Native English Speaker Teachers (NNESTS) resident in Korea wishing to develop professionally as teachers. We all shared our commitment to the profession and wanted to improve our skills as teachers. Preparing for the CELTA in Nine Easy Steps.