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Books for Challenged Population

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This section of the collection provides multiple lists of books: feature titles with main characters facing challenges, main characters that are different in some way, books that explain special needs and dealing with a challenge in the life of a family member or yourself, books that deliver information in an alternative way that is helpful for individuals with special needs.

Books that explore topics regarding disabilities. Picture Books About: Overcoming Challenges, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, and Sibling Perspectives. Favorite Books for Kids with Learning and Attention Issues. We asked our Reading Rockets friends (parents, classroom teachers, special education teachers, librarians, and others) to share their own experiences in finding great books that appeal to with kids with learning and attention issues — including dyslexia and other language-based disabilities, ADD/ADHD, and autism spectrum disorder.

Favorite Books for Kids with Learning and Attention Issues

We asked what books are most engaging and motivate kids to pick up a new book and keep reading. We learned that certain genres (humor, mysteries, fantasy and science fiction) are especially appealing, as well as certain topics (action and adventure, school days, and sports) and formats, including graphic novels and beginning chapter books — especially if they are part of a series. We expected to see Dav Pilkey's wildly popular Captain Underpants series mentioned a lot (and it was), but were excited to learn about other series and characters that kids really love.

Special Needs Children's Books and Differences, Inclusion, Overcoming Adversity, Patience, Tolerance, and Understanding. As a teacher, or parent, who works in education… we meet a lot of students with different abilities and specialties.

Special Needs Children's Books and Differences, Inclusion, Overcoming Adversity, Patience, Tolerance, and Understanding

And sure, we have Autism Awareness month and disability awareness… but it’s so much more than just being aware. (This post contains affiliate links.) Below you’ll find a curated list of books on special needs, acceptance, and tolerance. There are also books that describe children who have other differences that may make life a little challenging, like walking, hearing, seeing, understanding social cues, and more. These are books that you can use to introduce the topics presented to other children, teachers, and adults. Find a Children's Book to Explain Disabilities to Your Child or Classmates : Friendship Circle — Special Needs Blog. Maybe you’re searching for a special needs children’s book that allows your child to see a character that looks like him or her.

Find a Children's Book to Explain Disabilities to Your Child or Classmates : Friendship Circle — Special Needs Blog

Or maybe you’re anticipating making a presentation to your child’s classroom and hope to find books that will help the other kids with understanding and acceptance. This Friendship Circle blog has many posts that round up just the kind of children’s books you’re looking for, and we’ve gathered them here in one place for browsing convenience. Talking Books and Reading Disabilities - National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) Background The National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS), Library of Congress, offers a free program for individuals of all ages who have a disability that prevents them from reading regular print.

Talking Books and Reading Disabilities - National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS)

We use human voice actors to record popular books found in public libraries or bookstores. We also offer a wide selection of recorded magazines as well as a large collection of music instruction and appreciation materials. These recordings, called talking books, may either be downloaded through BARD and the BARD Mobile app (see below). Talking books can also be mailed to the reader for free on a cartridge that can be played on a player—which NLS also provides free of charge—designed for people with disabilities.