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Thinner thighs: 6 Moves to leaner legs. The Figure Method For Thinner Thighs Oh, those elusive thin thighs!

Thinner thighs: 6 Moves to leaner legs

What we all wouldn't do to have them! Cindy Sites, founder of The Figure Method and owner of Go Figure Fitness Studios, says it’s time to put away the Spanx and put her six best thigh-thinning moves into practice. Get Lean Legs and a Tight Tush - 6 Moves for Slimmer Hips and Thighs. Give your legs and tush a firm push in the right direction with these effective shaping exercises.

Get Lean Legs and a Tight Tush - 6 Moves for Slimmer Hips and Thighs

For best results, do them after a cardio session or work them into your existing strength routine three or four days per week. You'll need: A set of dumbbells (5 to 15 lbs, depending on your fitness level) and a resistance loop (or resistance band tied in a small loop). Click here for a printable PDF of this workout! You can use your keyboard to see the next slide ( ← previous, → next) Slim Hips and Thighs Exercise Tips. Yoga for Athletes. Whether you're a new runner, total gym rat, or summer-only tennis fanatic, a yoga instructor can tell.

Yoga for Athletes

That's because workouts that emphasize running, lifting, and swinging movements leave the telltale signs of tight hamstrings, quads, and shoulders—the trifecta of treacherous spots in fit females. Left alone, they can lead to muscular imbalances, injuries, and stalled results. Slim Down All Over. Lose Leg Fat: Leaner Legs, Tighter Butt. There's a common belief—or myth, rather—that if you want to tone your legs and boost your butt, you should devote all your energy to squats and leg lifts of every kind.

The problem: While you'll build sleek muscle (score!) , no one will notice if it's hidden under a layer of body fat. To reveal a slimmer bottom half, you need to add a fat-burning total-body routine to those targeted moves that reshape your hips, thighs, and butt. Luckily for you, we've got both right here! Stick to these workouts and you'll be shimmying into those skinny jeans with ease in no time. Clamshell. Yoga Sequence Bikini Workout. Get Abs in Weeks with this Yoga Workout. Eight yoga exercises to tighten your torso, trim belly fat, and create eye-popping abs By John Hanc 1 of 13 1.

Get Abs in Weeks with this Yoga Workout

Warm-up: Reclining big toe hold (supta padangustasana)