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Talkatone - free calls and text via WiFi or 3G. National Weather Service Forecast Office - Burlington, Vermont. Ende of the Trail | Haiku LMS : Get in Touch with Learning : iPad Application List. 60 Inspiring Examples of Twitter in the Classroom. Social media offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom, bringing together the ability to collaborate, access worldwide resources, and find new and interesting ways to communicate in one easily accessible place.

Teachers and educators around the world have found innovative ways to use Twitter as a teaching tool, and we’ve shared many of these great ideas here with you. Read on, and we’ll explore 60 inspiring ways that teachers and students can put Twitter to work in the classroom. Communication Twitter makes staying in touch and sharing announcements super simple and even fun. Twitter as a bulletin board: Jim Newman at Northern Illinois University uses Twitter as a bulletin board for his class, letting students know about last minute news like canceled classes. Organization Twitter’s hashtags and other tools share a great way to organize information for your classroom.

Resources Use these ideas to take advantage of the vast resources that Twitter has to offer. National Writing Project - Improving the Teaching of Writing in the Nation's Schools. Learnersedgeinc. Teacher Workshops | AZ SEI Training | ELL Consultant. Side by Side iPad App Splits Screen for Online Research, Note-Taking and More. For many reasons, it can be helpful to view multiple “windows” simultaneously on a single screen.

A learner may wish to see more than one source of information while taking notes. Or, someone might want to have a Twitter client or Facebook account open to share what’s being learned and written about. All of this is possible, and more, on the 10 inch iPad screen. Side by Side is a remarkable free app. With Side by Side, you can split the iPad screen into as many as four windows that can be positioned and sized as needed.

These windows can be used to view multiple websites, PDF’s or MS Word files. Side by Side has its own browser for opening websites. The image below gives an idea of what is possible with Side by Side. There is a Side by Side Pro version of this app available for $1.99. Chocolate Chip-Ice Cream Dessert | Gluten Freely. Paratus Familia Blog: Late Night Lip Balm. Last night I was desperate. Our whole family has a bit of a head cold and between that and the cold weather, my lips were falling apart. I was freshly out of Burt's Bees lip balm and really didn't want to have to resort to Bag Balm (really - have you ever tasted it?!).

After considering my options, I finally decided that I could spare 10 minutes of my life to make some homemade lip balm. One of the things I haven't liked about the lip balm recipes I have used in the past is the number of ingredients they require. I like simple. And easy. Generally, lip balms call for exotic things like coconut oil, glycerin, jojoba and cocoa butter (not that all of these are exotic, but most of us don't have them sitting around in our kitchen cupboards). You really don't need anything special to put lip balm in, although tubes or little pots are handy. The only ingredient in the balm that you may not have on hand is beeswax, but it is fairly easy to come by and will last forever.