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The World’s First Vertical Forest: An. I’d like to introduce you to the world’s first Bosco Verticale (Italian for Vertical Forest), which is being built right now in Milan.

The World’s First Vertical Forest: An

According to Christopher Woodward, a writer for the Financial Times, it’s “the most exciting new tower in the world.” This vertical forest will span across two towers that have fabulous balconies designed to house these trees. The pictures below are an image of how it’s projected to look, although I wonder if once the project is completed if it will take a decade for the trees to grow to that height. When it’s all said and done, this vertical forest will consist of 900 trees, 5,000 bushes and 11,000 plants.

This forest, designed by architect Stefano Boeri, will allow the greenery to get shade in the summer, sunlight in the winder and protection from the wind while it cleans the air, produces oxygen and cuts down on all the noise pollution in Milan. Via: [Amusing Planet] [Treehugger] Bullied Teen Shares Story of Pain and Perseverance in Online Video. I was bullied pretty relentlessly growing up.

Bullied Teen Shares Story of Pain and Perseverance in Online Video

It started when I switched schools in the 1st grade, and continued right on through until I graduated high school. In my school, instead of cooties, it was the Parsnippity disease. All day long, it was "Circle circle dot dot, now I have the parsnippity disease shot". I was hit. People would just walk by me on the way to their desk and punch me in the arm.

In middle school, I wasn't able to take PE class because anytime anyone had the ball, it would be thrown at me. In high school, I was routinely beaten up in the bathrooms. These are mostly just the physical things. I wasn't fat. I'm 31 now, married with a 4 month old baby. I have no idea how people are supposed to stop the bullying. Man Uses Internet Memes for Marriage Proposal. Like a boss, a man recently interrupted his girlfriend's dinner to propose to her with Internet memes.

Man Uses Internet Memes for Marriage Proposal

Timothy Tiah Ewe Tiam sneaked up on his long-time love interest Audrey Ooi Feng Ling at Neroteca, a restaurant in Malaysia, and began showing her poster-sized printed memes such as Socially Awkward Penguin, Y U NO Guy, Victory Baby and Impossibru. Her initial reaction as the man she calls "Fatty" flipped through the first few meme posters: "Oh god please don’t let this be a break up WTF," she said in an entertaining blog post days after the proposal. At the end of the meme-ridden surprise, he knelt and confessed, "I'm very nervous and terrified about this, but I love you and I think you're my soul mate.

And I can't see myself living without you in my life. ... Will you marry me? " This isn't the first time someone has turned to tech or the web to propose. SEE ALSO: Top 10 Geekiest Marriage Proposals | Best 10 Memes of 2011. Military dogs suffer from PTSD. More than 5 percent of military dogs serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to the New York Times.

Military dogs suffer from PTSD

Dogs are often used in combat zones to sniff out bombs, clear buildings of people, or locate enemy fighters. A military dog famously participated in the raid that found and killed Osama bin Laden last May. About 650 military dogs currently serve in Iraq and Afghanistan, down from a high of 1,200. A total of 2,700 dogs are on active military duty. While the use of dogs can help save human lives, life in a combat zone can have a high cost on the canines themselves. For dogs trained to locate explosives, this presents a danger not only to the animals but to their human handlers and the soldiers that rely upon them, according to Dr.

Dr. The military has been cautioning about canine PTSD for some time. Treatment for dogs with PTSD is difficult since the animals can't communicate with therapists the way humans can. Also on MNN: