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Geek Parodies

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Darth_vader.gif (GIF Image, 460x307 pixels) Lord of the Rings - Voiceover. Predator Redub. The Masturbatoreum :: Image Gallery. Gary F**king Oak. 53 by Chad Hurd. Justice Served Sohmer — October 31st, 2010 This is just one more reason why the X-men would never have been assembled in today’s society. I would like to thank the mainstream media for their contribution to the mass paranoia we all know and love. Today’s page was done by the very talented Chad Hurd: Chad Hurd is a Maine native and is currently battling the heat of the deep south in Atlanta, Georgia.

Chad started his career freelancing in comics and illustration, having various publications through Speakeasy Comics, Viper Comics, Dabel Brothers, and an issue of TMNT. We’ll see you on Wednesday, folks! -sohmer. Video. Snuggie Cult. Angry Mac User.

The Onion News

Randomator15's Phoenix Wrong 2. Phoenix...NOT WRONG AGAIN! Watchmen- Dr. Manhattan Video Game Leaked. Run Goomba Run. The Dark Knight Trailer Recut - Toy Story 2. Terminator - Short Circuit Trailer. Frank Miller's Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Resident Evil -Leon and the Merchant. The BigHeBowski. Star wars. Star Trek - Redubbed.