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iMu8T.jpg (JPEG Image, 1536x2048 pixels) - Scaled (32. Abandoned Technology Scattered Across The Globe. What would we do without technology? Often though, whether from disaster or lack of funding, celebrated technology becomes obsolete and is abandoned. Decay sets in to rust the disused places and objects which were once invaluable to us. Here are defunct and abandoned technologies such as power plants, amusement parks, factories, ships, aircraft, oil rigs, and military installations. Abandoned Balaklava Submarine Base (image credits: English Russia) Until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Balaklava was a secretive town that was home to a highly secretive nuclear submarine base. Abandoned Technology: Airplane Graveyard (image credits: Telstar Logistics ) Technology becomes obsolete all the time, but where do airplanes go to die? Abandoned Amusement Park: Woncheon Lakeland (image credits: Dark Roasted Blend) There is something sickly fascinating about places once built for merriment then left to decay in horror.

Berlin Amusement Park (image credits: Gonzo Circus) Ship Graveyards. 10 Child Stars Who Became Broken Adults. Parents are tightfisted skinflints for a reason. Kids want abundant sugared snacks, loud and irritating noises, bright lights and expensive plastic pieces of crap from Toys R Us, all day, every day, for ever. Imagine if they were given, say, $50,000 a week to play with; what would happen? They'd keep being kids until old age, only with drugs replacing sugar and a totally different genre of toys. If ever there was proof that the process of giving little people money and fame from day one is less than sensible, these people are it. 10.

Lindsay Lohan Lindsay started out as the ultimate angelic child actress, performing in countless commercials throughout her early years before starring as Alli Fowler in the TV series Another World. Shit Happened.


Science is Weird. Oh Those Drunks. Fight! Fight! The News is On. Commercials Worth Watching. So Funny I did not Change a Word - Velina.