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Top 100 job site niches – 2009. Conversion Calculator. Weights and Measures: Printer-Friendly weights and measures table (PDF format). Temperature Conversion: [ Celcius to Fahrenheit | Fahrenheit to Celcius ] Common oven temperature conversions Temperatures and tests for Syrups and Candies Measuring — From the COOKS.COM Culinary Archive. Accurate measurement is necessary to insure success in cooking. Measuring cups hold one half pint (milk measure) and may be bought in tin, enameled, and glassware, with handle. Tablespoons of the usual size are three inches long and one and three fourths inches wide. Teaspoons should measure two inches long and one and one fourth inches wide. Half-teaspoons should be in every kitchen; they are like a teaspoon with the bowl cut through the middle from tip to handle, with an upright edge forming a back on the line of division.

How to Measure. The results of careless measurement are most objectionable when there is an excess of salt, soda or pepper. Cup Measure. A Scant Cup. Tablespoon and Teaspoon Measures. Weights. Alisa Miller. Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing - Download free podcast episodes by Quick and Dirty Tips on iTunes. Flash Player. How Do We Use Fractions in Real Life | Life123.