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The streets of #Tehran have been covered... - Ajam Media Collective. .premium-1.603731?utm_source=dlvr. Fakhmitra : "and still I rise" #palestine ... Kawrage : "if your fundamental premise... Paris show of Palestinian 'martyrs' sparks protests. Exhibitions Museums Controversies France An exhibition of works by Ahlam Shibli at the Jeu de Paume is proving controversial; gallery denies accusations that it condones terrorism By Gareth Harris. Web onlyPublished online: 21 June 2013 Ahlam Shibli, Untitled (Death n° 3), 2011-12 After receiving “numerous messages of protest” about the show, the Jeu de Paume contemporary art gallery in Paris has issued a strongly worded statement defending its current exhibition of works by the Palestinian artist Ahlam Shibli (“Phantom Home”, until 1 September).

The controversy centres on a new series of images entitled “Death”, which explores how dead or imprisoned Palestinians—called “martyrs” by the artist—are presented in public and private spaces, from home settings to city streets. The gallery press statement says: “The Jeu de Paume strongly denies accusations that it either condones or is complicit in terrorism.” Ahlam Shibli, Untitled (Death n° 33), 2011-12 Submit a comment Email* Name* City* Panel on “Sexual Discourses in the Zionist Project: Queer Politics and Liberation.” Panel on “Sexual Discourses in the Zionist Project: Queer Politics and Liberation.” “Sexual Discourses in the Zionist Project: Queer Politics and Liberation” is 1 of 2 public panels organized by Queer Visions at the World Social Forum: Free Palestine . Held in Porto Alegre, Brazil from November 28 to December 1, 2012, the World Social Forum: Free Palestine brought together activists from around the world organizing for justice in Palestine.

Palestinian Queers for Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions, Pinkwatching Israel, and alQaws: for sexual and gender diversity in Palestinian society invite activists, social movements, and queer groups to join and endorse Queer Visions at the World Social Forum: Free Palestine . Public Panel I: SEXUAL DISCOURSES IN THE ZIONIST PROJECT: QUEER POLITICS AND LIBERATION The State of Israel has launched a campaign to recruit Jewish-Israeli and international gays and lesbians into the Zionist project. Dean Spade (Seattle University School of Law, USA) I Fear to Forget. Every victim of a violent crime fears to remember. Every victim of a violent crime wants to forget. But in Palestine, I, ‘we’ fear to forget. I fear to forget the 7owwara checkpoint, that cold winter morning when we were huddled against each other, standing one woman at a time watching our men get body searched as we crossed from one city to the other.

I fear to forget the feel of hail as it rushed sideways slapping our faces. The smell of winter carried on howling winds from the East, as it hit our bodies and sunk into our bones. Eastern winds bring with them illness, sadness, and ice-cold hail, and that morning they carried humiliation too. I fear to forget those forgotten behind bars… I fear to forget the jarring look in his eyes when his own legs failed him and he fell flat on his face in the middle of the road. I fear to forget that we are occupied. I fear to forget that the enemy is behind that wall, not within this wall. I fear to forget Sabra and Shatila… Queer Visions at the World Social Forum: Free Palestine – Live Updates. Queer Visions at the World Social Forum: Free Palestine – Live Updates Introduction This week, the World Social Forum: Free Palestine to be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil from November 28 to December 1, 2012 will bring together activists from around the world organizing for justice in Palestine.

Palestinian Queers for Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions, Pinkwatching Israel, and alQaws: for sexual and gender diversity in Palestinian society invite activists, social movements, and queer groups to join and endorse Queer Visions at the World Social Forum: Free Palestine . Preliminary Questions Promote an analysis of the use of sexual politics in Israeli settler colonial discourse. Explore the linkages between the struggle for queer liberation and the struggle for Palestinian liberation. Focus on how our activism can productively address queer communities, without falling into the trap of singling out queer communities, and without losing site of our goals? Goals Our goals thus far are to: Program. DAM featuring AMAL MURKUS - If I Could Go Back In Time. Roadmap. Subjective Atlas of Palestine: Asserting the Right to Narrate | Dare we ? - The Palestine you don't know. Queers and Keffiyehs: A Conversation with Kevin Paul.

This post was submitted by Andrew Fogle ©Whewes, Wikimedia Commons Kevin Paul is a busy guy. As if being queer, a philosophy/cultural studies double major, and Canadian weren’t taxing enough, he’s taken on responsibilities as treasurer of Queer McGill, McGill University’s premier LGBTQ student organization and one of the most active campus queer groups in North America. QM just launched a campaign in response to the latest development in the North American queer-on-queer Israel-Palestine proxy powerfeud, and after reading through some of the responses to my Michael Lucas piece from early March I thought pulling in a different (if aligned) voice could help to move an important conversation forward. Paul was kind enough to spare me an hour of Skype time earlier this week.

Andrew F, TNG: Chances are if someone’s reading this in print, they’re already up to speed on the Michael Lucas flap. Kevin Paul: We had initially heard about the incident in New York, and were planning a response. Ei: Palestine is a queer issue. You wouldn’t expect a gay porn director to be the one that calls off the party. Nevertheless, Michael Lucas (you may remember him as the budding genius behind Shameless Hole or Piss Gods) decided to flex his political muscle for a change of pace. After hearing that the New York City LGBT Center was planning to host Israeli Apartheid Week’s final celebratory fundraiser, “Party to End Apartheid,” he made some phone calls, sent some emails and spent upwards of $1,000 to pressure the center to close their “open doors policy” and cancel the event.

Israeli Apartheid Week is a program hosted independently by dozens of cities around the world through the month of March to create awareness around the Palestinian struggle. It has emerged as a focal point for activism and education as part of the larger boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. However, when Lucas put his fist down, the NYC LGBT Center immediately complied. ’18 year-old Arabs living in Israel’ | AFRICA IS A COUNTRY. Photographer Natan Dvir’s images of “ 18 year-old Arabs living in Israel ” were inspired by his realization that he knew little, and understood less about Israel’s Arab society. Arabs consist of “over a fifth of the population,” but these “hundreds of thousands of families who continue to live within Israel’s borders” are invisible within Jewish society.

Dvir “became interested in the stories of these people living as a minority in a country defined by its majority’s religion.” The images are of men and women – all of them 18 years old. He’d hoped that as teenagers approaching adulthood, they may be “especially aware of an identity crisis and willing to talk about it.” Among the 18 year olds is Reeham (picture above), a Bedouin girl from a family of 11 brothers and sisters. “It is extremely rare that a Bedouin woman would be allowed to study away from home not escorted by a male family member, so I am very grateful for my family’s support.”


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