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Hemingway Rewritten

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Cooking in the Archives. For The Suits. Ralph Barbagallo's Self Indulgent Blog. The Film Shooter. The Disorder Of Things. NOTCHES. Forever in fibre. Batman and the Basilica. This week marks the 25th anniversary of the release of Tim Burton’s Batman, hard as it is to believe that so much time has passed.

Batman and the Basilica

At the time of its premiere, “Batman” was a revelation for many reasons, not least of which was the design of the film. From lighting to sets to costumes, the movie continues to draw the eye even today, a combination of 1940′s film noir with the shocking colors of comic book exaggeration, reflecting the era in which Batman himself first appeared on newsstands. Even the look of Vicki Vale, as played by Kim Basinger – full confession: I had a poster of her as Vale in my room as a teen – owed much to film noir actresses of the 1940′s, like Barbara Stanwyck and Veronica Lake. Basinger of course, would later go on to win an Oscar for portraying a Veronica Lake call girl look-alike in the movie L.A. Romiko Derbynew's Blog. High countries. On Off and Beyond. Hemingway Rewritten.