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You will never look at a fish in the... - Best Video You Will Ever See. 9 Women Managed To Keep A Secret From Their Husbands For 30 Years. This Is Unreal... Somewhere in West Tennessee, not far from Graceland, nine women – or “The 9 Nanas,” as they prefer to be called – gather in the darkness of night.

9 Women Managed To Keep A Secret From Their Husbands For 30 Years. This Is Unreal...

At 4am they begin their daily routine – a ritual that no one, not even their husbands, knew about for 30 years. They have one mission and one mission only: to create happiness. And it all begins with baked goods. “One of us starts sifting the flour and another washing the eggs,” explained Nana Mary Ellen, the appointed spokesperson for their secret society. “And someone else makes sure the pans are all ready. “But you make sure to say Nana Pearl is in charge, because she’s the oldest!” Over the next three hours, The 9 Nanas (who all consider themselves sisters, despite what some of their birth certificates say) will whip up hundreds of pound cakes, as part of a grand scheme to help those in need.

Even the UPS driver, who picks up hundreds of packages at a time, has no clue what these women, who range in age from 54 to 72, are doing. Source. This Blind Patient Tells The Nurse To Look Out The Window. What She Sees Is Incredibly Touching. He Saved Over 600 People During The Holocaust. He Has No Idea They Are Sat All Round Him - Aunty Acid Blog. If you have not yet read the story of Sir Nicholas Winton, you are in for a treat.

He Saved Over 600 People During The Holocaust. He Has No Idea They Are Sat All Round Him - Aunty Acid Blog

I thought it was a poignant time to share it after Winton passed away today aged 106. Sir Winton gained his fame after saving 669 Jewish Czech children from the barbaric Nazi death camps. Between the years of 1938 and 1939 he rescued the children and brought them back to the safety of the UK. Winton who was a stock broker at the time used to arrange trains to carry Jewish children out of Nazi occupied Prague.

Nicholas Winton saved 669 Czechoslovak children. You would have thought that someone who had done such a heroic deed would come home after the war and tell all his friends and family. Adorable Photos of Animals and Their Babies. This Woman Tries To Help A Homeless Man But He Refuses...Until She Says This. The Bank Bounces A Woman's Check And This Is How She Responds. 32 Pictures That You Have To See Once In Your Life. 32 Pictures That You Have To See Once In Your Life A tiny piglet walking into your hand Another tiny piglet in some grass.

32 Pictures That You Have To See Once In Your Life

Глухонемой человек заплакал после всего этого. These Photos Are Beautiful At First Glance, But When You Realize What They Really Are...WOW! - Trendzified. What at first seems like a tiny indoors swimming pool… Is actually a painting by Venezuela-based artist Gustavo Silva Nuñez.

These Photos Are Beautiful At First Glance, But When You Realize What They Really Are...WOW! - Trendzified

This incredible artist creates hyperrealistic scenes of people floating, swimming, or even just sitting in water. The pieces look so real they look like photographs that have been flawlessly taken. He Catches His Wife Crying While Doing Laundry. Then She Tells Him The Shocking Truth. This man follows his wife every morning without her knowing.

He Catches His Wife Crying While Doing Laundry. Then She Tells Him The Shocking Truth

Sounds strange doesn’t it? It’s not because he doesn’t trust her. In fact, his reason is a lot deeper. Ballet Dancer Sergei Polunin Simply Slays Hozier's 'Take Me To Church' A First Grader Found Out His Best Friend Had Cancer. What He Did Next Made Him My Hero! 99 Year-Old Homeless Man Raises Money for Orphans. Artist Paints Hyperrealistic Exteriors to Camouflage Food. Japanese artist Hikaru Cho likes to play with perception in this series, entitled It's Not What It Seems.

Artist Paints Hyperrealistic Exteriors to Camouflage Food

She playfully redefines how an object is perceived by painting the exterior to appear like something other than itself. Using acrylic paints, Cho skillfully changes the outer layer of a banana into a cucumber, an egg into an eggplant, and a tomato into an orange. She first creates a deceptive photograph that documents the disguised foods. Next, she peels, chops, or cracks open the foods to reveal the truth that is hidden below the surface. Exposure of the inner layer alters the viewer's expected concepts of reality. How Animals Hacked The Rainbow And Got Stumped On Blue. These Girls Sing PHENOMENAL But The Ending Will Give You CHILLS! What A Beautiful Surprise! A Man Goes On ‘Shark Tank’ and Gets His Life’s Work Ripped to Shreds. Now Watch Him Turn the Tables. Couple Singing Two Taylor Swift Songs Simultaneously is Seriously Stunning! Every time beauty standards were brilliantly challenged in 2014. 2014 was a big year when it came to blowing conventional beauty standards sky high.

Every time beauty standards were brilliantly challenged in 2014

This was a year in which the definition of what it means to be beautiful was expanded in every direction, and we are SO happy that this time finally arrived. Pat yourself on the back, ladies, for your part in this. Standards don’t change unless people demand that they do — and we did. How Animals Hacked The Rainbow And Got Stumped On Blue. Man With Cerebral Palsy Paints Masterpieces Using Only A Typewriter  She Walked Out On Stage And Blew EVERYONE Away. I Never Expected This, Astonishing! No One Believed My Cat Woke Me Up This Way… So I Set Up A Camera To Prove It! Heartwarming Thai Commercial - Thai Good Stories By Linaloved. You will cry after watching this video !!

A touching commercial that rubs the deepest part of your heart. GREAT TOUCHING VIDEO!! Most heart touching video ever MUST WATCH !!.mp4. Most Touching Video That Will Make You Cry - Try To Watch It Without Crying. He Saved 669 Children During The Holocaust... And He Doesn’t Know They're Sitting Next To Him. 20 гифок о том, как устроено все на свете. Здесь вы увидите то, чего вы не увидите своими глазами в обычной жизни.

20 гифок о том, как устроено все на свете

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