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To think or not to think. Tools for Cleverness. Paint.Net Tuts/Tips/Tricks. Fish aquariums and corals. Music. Farmimg and. Cooking and food. Survival. CS_Google_LPG_Sales. Mind and Brain. Visual Thinking. Miscellaneous. Social networking. Pet information. UFO's & other strange stuff. Finances. Diagramly – A Handy Tool For Creating Quick Flowcharts. The best thing about Diagramly is how accessible it is.

Diagramly – A Handy Tool For Creating Quick Flowcharts

You just click a URL, and you’re in. There’s no download, no account registration, and you don’t even need Flash to use it. It really couldn’t be simpler to get started. The worst thing about Diagramly (I’ll just get this out of the way right now) is the utter lack of documentation.


Art. Arts. Arts, Culture & Entertainment. Tv shows. Film. Ken Kesey & The Merry Pranksters. Reel. Science &such. Blogs. Chelsea's tree. Holistic health. Books & audio books. Pearltrees videos. Spirituality and religion. Metaphysical.