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The Evolution of HTML5 [Infographic] | Showcases. HTML5 is sure to be a big hit this year as far as web design trends go, and rightfully so. It aims to improve upon its predecessors by enhancing the language and support. It’s new, exciting, easy to understand and better than anything that has come before it while still being compatible and understandable by current media devices and web browsers.

As browsers increase their readiness to handle HTML5, more and more designers and developers are applying it to their commercial projects. It offers exciting potential for any project with much more intuitive sites appearing, making use of the extended video and visual rendering capabilities. Rather than shouldering all the responsibility for presentation and functionality, HTML5 gets back to basics, allowing us to tap into APIs and native browser functionality, while looking to CSS to create the visual look and feel.

In the end we are left with a straight-forward and simplified language for creating websites and applications. CSS3 Pictogram Button. If you follow my previous post about how to use pictogram for replacing image you must be familiar with this freebie I want to share. This is a set of 43 button with three different styles and six different colors and using entypo pictogram for replacing the images. Go through the post to see the entire sets. Entypo & The Buttons I am using Daniel Bruce’s entypo webfont for the image on the button, not taking all the pictograms but 43 that I think commonly used. Beside contains these 43 pictograms this sets also can be used using three different styles : Beveled, Rectangle and Rounded.

Those buttons also have three different states : normal, hover and active : Advantages Here are some advantages on using this sets : No images, all buttons using CSS and font.Using Animation for changing button states.Flexible, you can choose or even change the button size or style.Any container element can be applied (a, button, span, div, input, etc.) Usage Button That’s it. Un arrière-plan extensible intelligent. Certains sites affichent une (grande) image de fond qui s'adapte à toutes les dimensions de la fenêtre du navigateur, proportionnellement, sans la déformer. La réalisation de ce genre de prouesse n'est pas si évidente techniquement, contrairement à ce que l'on pourrait croire de prime abord. Comment fait-on ? Nous allons présenter ici deux méthodes parmi celles qui sont possibles : une entièrement en CSS , une autre basée sur jQuery. Exemples Pour avoir un aperçu de ce que l'on veut obtenir, voici quelques exemples utilisant ce principe : Simon & Comet Flavors me Piz'za-za Le point commun de tous ces sites est la mise en avant de leur background : il est fixe et c'est la pièce maîtresse de leur design.

Le principe Comme vous venez de le remarquer, ce n'est pas qu'une simple image de fond qui s'adapte à la fenêtre : il n'y a aucune déformation, le ratio est toujours conservé et lorsque la fenêtre est vraiment étroite le fond est recadré. Préparation de l'image de fond La méthode CSS3 Le code HTML. Cssarrowplease. HTML5 Please - Use the new and shiny responsibly.

Unique variations on a 3×4 grid. HTML5 & CSS3 Support, Web Design Tools & Support - FindMeByIP - CSS3 & HTML5 Browser Support. Canvas Tutorial - Introduction. Welcome! In this tutorial, we're going to create a breakout clone that you can play in your browser, using javascript and the In order to use this tutorial, you'll need a browser that supports the <canvas> element. Before you read any further, click on the "run code" button on the left to play the game that we'll end up creating. On every page, you'll be able to click the "run code" button to run the code we've developed so far. Every page besides this one has an editor in it containing the javascript code that will be run in the same box as the game as soon as you click the button.

You can make changes to the code, and see the results instantly by clicking the "run code" button. In order to make our lives easier, I've included the jQuery framework in every page, which extends javascript in your browser with some useful methods. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave a comment on the "comments" tab. next. pForm - Free HTML Form Builder - Create Web Form Template Online.

60 ressources CSS pour vos prochains Webdesign - ressources. Nous avons regroupé des ressources utiles et tendances pour compléter le CSS de vos réalisations et vous rapprocher encore un peu plus des tendances dans le webdesign ! Bonne lecture. Un peu nouveau comme type d'article, je ne pouvais plus laisser passer des ressources de si bonnes qualités dans ma veille quotidienne sans en parler sur le blog ! Dans le même esprit que les billets sur les icônes, je vous regrouperai les meilleures ressources CSS et XHTML disponibles gratuitement sur la toile pour vous aider.

Gradient Editor Border Radius Button Maker Text Shadow Css Web Forms Top 10 Css table designs Pimp your tables with Css3 Some styles for your pagination One page portfolio with html5 and css3 13 css3 buttons Easyframework L'iphone 4 en 3D et sur 360 ° sur illustrator Cs5 incroyable ! The Current State of HTML5 Forms · Wufoo. The Introduction HTML5 is the newest specification for HTML, the language that web browsers read to display web pages.

HTML5 has many new features intended to make creating websites easier and people's experience in using those websites better. Among those features are many enhancements to web forms. Support for HTML5 web form features is improving, but not all web browsers support HTML5 features the same way. The charts below list the most current version of each major browser. About Browser Versions In these charts, a version number like "4" means "the very first release of version 4 of this browser". JavaScript and HTML5 Forms Testing for Support If you intended to write JavaScript to mimic the functionality of HTML5 forms, you may want to first test the current browsers capability and write the JavaScript as a fallback. More accurate feature testing can be done through the excellent JavaScript library Modernizr. // Usage if (! Custom Validity Messages More JavaScript Fun CSS and HTML5 Forms.

Overflow-x, overflow-y (CSS3 properties) W3C CSS3 working draft: The 'overflow-x' and 'overflow-y' properties. Partially supported in Gecko 1.8, Safari 3, Opera 9.5, IE. In all the following test cases the green box has fixed dimensions (80px × 80px, with padding 9px, border 10px.) The blue bar (width 119px, border 1px) should overflow at the right, and the red one (height 119px, border 1px) at the bottom.

When one of the two properties is ‘auto’ there are four cases: two with only one overflowing bar at a time, one with both overflowing, one with no overflow (the third case should behave as with ‘scroll’ instead of ‘auto’). According to the spec ... some combinations with ‘visible’ are not possible: if one is specified as ‘visible’ and the other is ‘scroll’ or ‘auto’, then ‘visible’ is set to ‘auto’ .... All browsers seem to further reduce the number of combinations giving different results: In IE7, IE8 there are also the same five distinct results, but they correspond to a different grouping of values: CSS tests home. Le guide ultime des microformats : références et exemples.

Bien qu'ils ne fassent pas partie des spécifications HTML du W3C, ils offrent un assortiment utile de conventions de nommage (en utilisant les attributs class, id, rel et rev) qui identifient les points d'intérêt sur une page. Ils permettent de mettre en avant du contenu, tel que les évènements de calendrier, un lien vers l'acceptation de vos licences (dont la GPL) et même des choses plus légères telles que les recettes de cuisine. Si les microformats ne font pas encore partie du standard W3C, les navigateurs Web n'ont pas attendu pour en assurer le support. Les microformats valent vraiment la peine d'y porter un intérêt et de les implémenter dans les sites que vous réalisez.

Vous utilisez peut-être déjà les microformats si vous utilisez un CMS tel que WordPress, car ce dernier supporte nativement des formats de données simples, comme l'attribut rel. Si vous êtes nouveau dans l'univers des microformats, vous vous demandez certainement pourquoi vous devriez vous embêter à les utiliser. I-A.