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Guantanamo Bay

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Amid Details on Torture, Data on 26 Who Were Held in Error - Photo One quiet consequence of this week’s sensational release of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the detention program was a telephone call that a human rights lawyer, Meg Satterthwaite, placed to a client in Yemen, Mohamed Bashmilah.

Amid Details on Torture, Data on 26 Who Were Held in Error -

For eight years since Mr. Bashmilah, 46, was released from C.I.A. custody, Ms. Satterthwaite and other advocates had been trying without success to get the United States government to acknowledge that it had held him in secret prisons for 19 months and to explain why. Guantanamo document confirms psychological torture. From WikiLeaks Will the APA protest?

Guantanamo document confirms psychological torture

STEPHEN SOLDZ with JULIAN ASSANGENovember 17, 2007 On Wednesday November 7th of this year, the primary operations manual for running of the US detention facility in Guantanamo Bay was published by the government transparency group Wikileaks. Current Conditions at Guantanamo Bay. According to Centre for Constitutional Rights (CCR), the treatment and detention of detainees at Guantanamo Bay has actually worsened since President Obama took office in January of 2009.

Current Conditions at Guantanamo Bay

The following is a summary of some of the main issues raised in the report released on 23rd February, 2009 entitled Current Conditions of Confinement at Guantanamo: Still in Violation of the Law. Read The full report. Treatment of Concern Solitary Confinement. Pasco man, behind CIA interrogation program, defends actions. The man widely considered to be an architect of the CIA’s controversial enhanced interrogation techniques program is a retired Air Force psychologist living in Land O’ Lakes who likens the use of waterboarding and other methods now considered torture to “good cop/bad cop” interrogation efforts employed by law enforcement.

Pasco man, behind CIA interrogation program, defends actions

Does Torture Work? The C.I.A.’s Claims and What the Committee Found. The C.I.A. acknowledged that its statements were sometimes inaccurate or speculative, and promised to do better in the future.

Does Torture Work? The C.I.A.’s Claims and What the Committee Found

But it said the committee’s report unfairly dismissed the value of intelligence gathered from detainees, particularly in understanding Al Qaeda and tracking Osama bin Laden. Killing of Osama bin Laden The Case No counterterrorism mission was more successful or higher profile than the secret raid that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011. The History of Torture and Terrorism. 1980s: History of Torture and Terrorism Begins: Torture inflicts severe pain to force someone to do or say something, and has been used against prisoners-of-war, suspected insurgents and political prisoners for hundreds of years.

The History of Torture and Terrorism

In the 1970s and 1980s, governments began to identify a specific form of violence called "terrorism" and to identify prisoners as "terrorists. " This is when the history of torture and terrorism begins. While many countries practice torture against political prisoners, only some name their dissidents terrorists or face potential threats from terrorism. Torture and Terrorism Around the World: Torture, interrogation and intelligence. From WikiLeaks Unless otherwise specified, the document described here: Was first publicly revealed by WikiLeaks working with our source.Was classified, confidential, censored or otherwise withheld from the public before release.Is of political, diplomatic, ethical or historical significance.

Torture, interrogation and intelligence

Any questions about this document's veracity are noted. Why Guantanamo Bay Should Stay Open. James Elmer Mitchell. James Elmer Mitchell (born c. 1952) is a psychologist and former member of the United States Air Force.

James Elmer Mitchell

In 2002, after his retirement from the military, as part of Mitchell Jessen and Associates, he received a contract from the CIA to develop enhanced interrogation techniques. Such programs have been extremely controversial and have been referred to as illegal torture by their detractors. His company earned $81 million for their work.[1] Military career[edit] Mitchell joined the Air Force in 1975 and was first stationed in Alaska, learning to disarm unexploded ordnance. He left the military in the early 1980s to earn a master’s degree in psychology at the University of Alaska.[2] He then received a Ph.D. in psychology at the University of South Florida in 1986. Mitchell returned to the Air Force and in 1988 became the chief of psychology at the Air Force survival school at Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane, Washington.

He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in mid 2001.[2] The Center for Torture Accountability. Jessen's military background, contacts, draw him into CIA planning for detainee interrogation As chief psychologist for the air force's SERE (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape) program, Jessen helped train special forces and aviation officers and enlisted men in dealing with abuse that might be expected if they were captured by enemy forces.

The Center for Torture Accountability

SERE training, based on the experience of American soldiers captured in the Korean and Vietnam wars, included isolation, mock interrogations, and exposure to waterboarding and other forms of torture. Jessen reported to Col. Roger Aldrich, a Special Forces officer regarded as a "legendary military survival trainer. " Aldrich is believed to have well-developed contacts within the CIA, who may have brought him into the early post-9/11 discussion/planning stages regarding interrogations of suspected enemy combatants. Two psychologists' role in CIA torture program comes into focus. In the "Salt Pit," a then-secret CIA prison in Afghanistan, John "Bruce" Jessen watched carefully in late 2002 as five agency officers rushed into a darkened cell and grabbed an Afghan detainee named Gul Rahman.

Two psychologists' role in CIA torture program comes into focus

"It was thoroughly planned and rehearsed," Jessen later explained, according to a CIA investigator's report. Businessinsider. Why the United States Controls Guantanamo Bay. It was six years ago, on Jan. 22, 2009, two days after he became President, that Barack Obama issued an executive order designed to “promptly close detention facilities at Guantanamo.” Guantanamo Bay use of psychologists for interrogations 2006-2008.