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Hair and Nails

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Clear skin potion - 4 New Household Uses For Vodka. Quiet Lion Creations: Beachy Waves Hair Mist. Summer is here! Time for summer hair. What says summer more than the sunny beach? The look of effortless waves is the envy of many city dwellers, but it's totally easy to achieve sans-beach! Celebrity hairstylists rely on chemical-laden and totally overpriced beach sprays to give their clients "the look".

That doesn't work for me, or for my DIY-ers. So, why not create a totally natural and totally handmade version yourself? Silly question, I know. The DIY version produces the same results, see above. Yes, your spray will be about 99% water. What's best about the spray is that it won't smell like artificial fragrances; it will smell of fresh herbs. Much nicer to your nostrils and the environment. Enough talk; let's begin. Step 1: Get an old spray bottle (I used a small one, maybe like 4 oz., recycled from a Bath and Body spray).

Gather a generous handful of fresh herbs from your garden, if you have one. If you don't have a garden, you can use herbal tea bags. Step 3: Get a wooden spoon. Nail Corner: Do like Alexa Chung and Sally Singer! Here’s 2 takes on the all-seeing eye manicure. Beauty Nail Corner: Do like Alexa Chung and Sally Singer! Here’s 2 takes on the all-seeing eye manicure This week, all eyes are on Nail Corner—or actually, Nail Corner is all over the eyes. Ever since Sophy Robson did Egyptian all-seeing eyes for Topshop’s Spring 2012 show, painted eyeballs have been popping up in the most curious places. Become all-seeing with two different versions of the eyeball manicure! 15 Easy Hacks For Perfect Eyeliner. Useful tips on DIY nails | Two pictures show you how to make a unique nails design by yourself! The first is how to make french manicure. French design is very popular this summer, simple but chic.

You can try bright colors to fit your outfits. The second is how to make heart design with 3 layers of color. Does it look beautiful and lovely? As a professional nails fan, I can not agree more a simple round paper is the best tool for nails DIY. BEAT THE HEAT. Photos/post/design: Kristin Ess Since it’s about 550 degrees here in sunny Los Angeles, I figured this would be the perfect day to show you a quick + pretty way to get your hair up and off your shoulders. Don’t let the 13 steps fool you– this tutorial is fairly simple, just wanted to make sure you saw every little step!

Hope you’ve all been practicing your inside-out french braid lately. You can definitely do this with a regular french braid, but I like the volume that comes from loosening up an inside-out braid better. Here we go: Part your hair starting at the top of your crown and go down right behind your ears. Pull those pieces forward and save them for later.Put all the hair in the back into a loose ponytail. Use a hand mirror to look at the back and sides.

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