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Top 10 Consumer Web Apps of 2009. Every year at ReadWriteWeb, we look at hundreds of new web apps aimed at everyday users.

Top 10 Consumer Web Apps of 2009

Occasionally, we come across a service that stands out from the pack because it offers a novel solution, disrupts the way incumbent market leaders do business or changes the way we experience the Web. Here is our list of the top 10 consumer web apps of 2009. These are apps and services that helped consumers use the web in new ways this year; and brought technologies that were previously only geared towards advanced users to a mainstream audience. 10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweeps. As Twitter surges toward an estimated 12 million registered users by year's end (though some new stats may disagree), some of us are starting to deal with what we recently dubbed "followholism.

10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweeps

" You've followed so many people, it's hard to keep up, and it's probably time to do a little housekeeping. But where do you begin? Twitter's own tools for managing followers are subpar. It's nearly impossible to figure out who among your followers are following you back, and the interface for paging through followers is clumsy and difficult to use. Complete Brand Marketing on Facebook. Oracle Oracle Solutions Social Relationship Management Involver.

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