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Hundredvisionsguy. Web Dev > Populate PHP/HTML table from MySQL database – Sudo Bash. Build a simple contact form using HTML, PHP and Bootstrap | Ross Tanner. Hello and welcome to my newest tutorial: Build a simple contact form using HTML, PHP and Bootstrap. We will be building a simple contact form which will firstly validate the content posted then if successful, send an email with the details.

Difficulty: Easy Before starting this tutorial I will assume you have a basic knowledge of both HTML and PHP, and also have setup a working web directory. We will be working with the CSS framework Bootstrap (by Twitter) to style the form. Here is what we will ultimately be creating: View Demo. You can download the source code by clicking this link: Download. So, where do we start? <! <! If you know how HTML forms work then you can see in the action attribute that the data will post to contact-form-submission.php.

Let’s now create the PHP being the data capture and email sending. This code may seem quite confusing to a new developer, so I’ll go through it line by line and explain what the hell is going on. The name is not empty. <! <! That’s it! Bootstrap Form Helpers.


Bootstrap customization and responsive design | tutorial. Recently I’ve been using a really awesome framework called Bootstrap to put small websites together. In this article, I’m going to guide you through the basics of the Bootstrap installation process, and how the Bootstrap framework can be customized for a responsive web design. The end result of this tutorial will be a custom Bootstrap website (you can see the final website here). If you prefer to skip the basics and get right to the Bootstrap code, you can download the code directly from GitHub. Why Bootstrap? Bootstrap is a framework that provides an easy-to-use 12-column grid system for a 940 pixel wide container as well as a fluid layout grid that adjusts to the size of a browser.

To put the benefit of using Bootstrap into perspective, consider how you go about building a website. Imagine how much quicker and easier your web build could be if you used Bootstrap to help you organize everything from designing site structure to defining site maps and building column structures. Base CSS. Customize Twitter Bootstrap To Not Look Bootstrap-y. NOTICE: This article is outdated. Please read my article on how to build Bootstrap 3.0 themes the proper way.

Thank you! PLEASE, if you do use Bootstrap for just about everything be courteous to your audience and change up some of the basic variables so it doesn’t look all the same! I just tested a really cool app and was SO disappointed that it used bootstrap. I used BootTheme. Have trouble coming up with a damn color scheme? Take an extra five minutes and figure out a good color combo.

They have a “customize” page! Font Awesome because holy crap new icons with minimal 5 minute setup. Subtle Patterns is THE PLACE to go to for quick, beautiful patterns. Extras (updated) After writing this article and having it take off with tens of thousands of readers, I found a few NEW things you can do and that will help out: adjust shadow settings.

Truth Be Told Update: I coded up a free bootstrap theme for everyone to see. I’m not asking for that much. A little bit of self promotion Other Resources. YouTube. Easydevtuts. Bootstrap. Font Awesome Examples.